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Author Topic: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.  (Read 9393 times)


  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2011, 06:19:30 am »

i have an idea also, you could offer free beer to random npcs then enslave them after they are drunk. When they wake up - they wont know what hit em!

Rot gut. I doubt a few beers are gona get them into that state lolz

Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2011, 08:25:55 am »

The beer comment was to enslave npc not them being a companion or one to depend on since they are a slave after all.

Guns that jam are bad, and so are combat slaves that are weak and cant fight when you need them to defend you, slaves or not, their job is to serve and protect you, so they effectively are watching your back.



  • Arath =Gray Rock Village Leader= -Canadian Drow-
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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2011, 10:42:16 am »

Or carry our junk lolz


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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2011, 12:30:10 pm »

You will be able to convince some npcs to join you. Though they are special npcs, not encounter guys.

These npcs would be like your group of friends (you wouldn't sell them)
in fo2 they were like your group of friends... that you could betray and sell them as slaves to a slaver, which should obviously have serious consequences.

Also, these "Companion npcs", will they respawn after death?  Will you need to re-friendship them after death?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 12:32:45 pm by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2011, 01:23:25 pm »

Also, these "Companion npcs", will they respawn after death?  Will you need to re-friendship them after death?

Come fully levelled, with the equipment they use already armed.  
You give them extra ammo to use and keep paying them in caps to keep their loyalty up.
When they die, they die.

Come as they are. Generally will be lower level and with crap equipment, but they can gain levels.
You can arm them with other weapons (I think we still need to decide some kind of restrictions here though) and you keep them drugged up with Jet to keep their loyalty high (or beat them for a small effect ;) )
When they die, they die too.

Come as weak as kittens, little/no equipment. They will level (You should be able to specify how you want them to level too "Train with Big Guns you useless worm!").
They can be given anything - should put on armour, should use the fanciest of weapons. These will require food to keep their loyalty high.
When they die (or run off) they will respawn somewhere for you to go and collect - you will lose their stuff though.

Mercs are your ready made guys, it will be less expensive to keep them alive, as start up costs are a lot higher than the upkeep.
Slaves are ... your slaves. Sell them, make them mine in your private mine, make them stand in your base and look pretty, whatever. They won't be awesome combat guys, but they'll be useful fodder - but they will turn on you rather than just running away.
Companions are indeed like your fo2 friends - we will need some way of getting rid of them, so perhaps you will be able to sell them (though we will put something in to stop it being a lucrative trade choice - thats what slaves are for).
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 01:25:44 pm by Solar »
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #20 on: May 27, 2011, 01:31:27 pm »

hmm, intresting but i have 1 question:
How about limits with this kinds of folowers, how many of each player will be able to have?
Does 1CH and Magnetic Personality allow to have them?
FOnline: Reloaded - Post apocalyptic mmorpg


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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2011, 01:38:48 pm »

You should be able to get a companion with just those, yeah (You would need some level of speech to get Mag Personality though). Follower limits depend on Ch, Speech, Mag Personality and a Trait.

In general I've been trying to make most things more useful without having to max out on skills (ie build an alt for them). The new follower system isn't an exception.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2011, 06:36:50 pm »

Come as weak as kittens, little/no equipment. They will level (You should be able to specify how you want them to level too "Train with Big Guns you useless worm!").
They can be given anything - should put on armour, should use the fanciest of weapons. These will require food to keep their loyalty high.
When they die (or run off) they will respawn somewhere for you to go and collect - you will lose their stuff though.

Now, solar, the other changes i think i can deal with, but i want to know, in what world does feeding people extra large amounts of hotdogs and old TV dinners make them more willing to die for you?

And is that really the only way to make someone like you more? don't you think giving them BA and a P90c would make them more loyal then a hotdog or two?

*Edit* Oh, and just to be clear about this, i am still happy that progress is being made, and i don't want to just annoy you, i just think some of these ideas have a few holes in them, once again if i misunderstand what you've said than i will apologize.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 07:10:12 pm by Ulrek »


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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2011, 09:26:07 pm »

People aren't happy when you are providing for their needs?

Weird, I guess the long list of civil unrest due to the people in power failing to provide food for their population doesn't apply ;)

At the end of the day you need an upkeep mechanic so you aren't getting a totally free power multiplication that can never be lost. They need food to be a suitable drain - giving them equipment increases their power and also increases their cost, food is simply a baseline. Having armour and guns will also help in fights, making it less likely for them to run, so it does factor.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2011, 05:50:17 am »

People aren't happy when you are providing for their needs?

Weird, I guess the long list of civil unrest due to the people in power failing to provide food for their population doesn't apply ;)

At the end of the day you need an upkeep mechanic so you aren't getting a totally free power multiplication that can never be lost. They need food to be a suitable drain - giving them equipment increases their power and also increases their cost, food is simply a baseline. Having armour and guns will also help in fights, making it less likely for them to run, so it does factor.

Hmm, i can see your logic there, about providing for their needs, but they are not slaves as you have mentioned, and they are free to leave of their own free will, so they should be able to keep themselves fed and gather their own supplies if needed, but honestly as long as the value of their gear adds in to their loyalty score i'll be happy.

As for the concept that an upkeep cost balances improved power, it really does not balance it, take for example car insurance, you might be able to afford the base price of your car, but if you cannot pay the upkeep then your car is useless, just like the mercenaries which will flee if you do not pay the upkeep, effectively they are useless.

Now, lets look at the group of real life people who can probably afford a crappy car but not the insurance, to those who can afford both, those who have a steady income are those who can afford it, since they might not have a very high short term income, but as long as they have a medium steady income for as long as they own the car, they can afford it, now people who don't have a steady income have a hard time affording it, even if they make a fairly large amount of money when they do, since it does run out after a while.

Now compare that to the player base, we have the usual players who aren't that rich, and make their money in bursts, since they spend a few odd hours a week playing and gathering resources, but not steadily over a week, so they have to constantly keep farming in order to keep the resources needed to supply their junky slaves and greedy mercenaries and hungry companions.
And on the other hand we have bigger to medium sized factions who can support each other, and supply jet from TCing to the slaver who needs it for the slaves he has guarding the bases, and help share caps to fund mercenary assaults, and drop off old TV dinners they find to give to the guy with all the cool companions.

So in effect, you are not balancing the PvP side of mercenaries and slaves, but rather increasing the cost of keeping them, so that they are too costly to keep on hand for mundane use, and should be kept with the gauss pistols and other weapons for the big battles, but since they require upkeep, they cannot be kept and used effectively by people who only play a few hours a week.

And, finally, i think we can all agree, no one likes paying car insurance... in a game or real life..



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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2011, 08:58:27 am »

Solar, The new l=folower sistem will rule the day!!!!!!
i always whanted my sidekick to join combat with me, and he will never going to die

to finish theme you can give a comand like: it's time to change ways with you, good luck. or something



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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #26 on: May 28, 2011, 09:54:11 am »

If you had 4 Melee companions for example, you would have no drain at all, but you would have a good increase in power level. With the upkeep cost you do have your drain and if you arm them with ranged weapons and armour then the drain increases.

The upkeep costs aren't going to be huge, especially if you are just an average character with a couple of followers. If you try to max out on Melee mercs and a full compliment of Slaves, then it might get slighlty costly - but then you've gone for an extreme build and you must accomodate that.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2011, 11:45:45 am »

It sounds fair I feel. I mostly looking forward to have a group the companions I surely gonna try to get 1-2 to follow me. Btw did I understand it good the melee fighters I have will be able to learn to use ranged weapons?


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Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2011, 12:37:06 pm »

A companion wil come at level 1, you'll then tell him to follow a certain path in his levelling.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Convincing NPC's to join your faction/party.
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2011, 02:31:02 pm »

Is it just skills that said companions will gain? Or for example i tell him to go melee/HtH would he get crits or more melee dmg perks? Also will it cost something to get them back in your group after they die/leave? If not then nothing will stop suicide runs with them.
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