If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Hello, I want to talk about the minigun. I had the disgrace to run over another player in the middle of the wasteland, he wanted to kill me, he held a minigun, but as I was easily 25 hexes away from him I just though that if he shot me it would not hurt that much as if I was right in front of him...it seems i was wrong, he hit me for 140 HPs. Now, that's so wrong. The minigun burst fires 30 rounds at 60000 RPM , ok but at maximum range there is no way that the 30 hit the target, because of the spread of the bullets and because you hold it in your hands! . It happens with the SMG or the Assault Rifle, standing in front of the target a burst is deadly, but far away like 5 hexes it is not much. But the reason I write this post is to ask if with the minigun this happens everytime or it was just bad luck, because i don't want to post it as a suggestion if it does not.
But with a good armor, things changes a lot and it's no so much effective, but minigun is ultimate to kill bluesuits ;p.
That's true only for JHP bullets. With AP bullets and 2xBRD you will deal 92 average dmg (276 from point blank!) against BA and 2xToughness.