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About Miniguns

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read this http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=1129.0
you will see that its not 13*0.95 but rather - 0.95 +0.95^2 + 0.95^3 +0.95^4 and so on...

I stand corrected :)

There's a check done for each of the 1/6th bullets that are aimed at the target (this means that ALL of them are checked with your CtH) and there's a check for the 1/6th that are not aimed - until one of them misses... So if a gun fires n bullets per burst, the average number of bullets that hit the target will be:
(n/6)*CtH + ∑CtH^i where the sum is for i = 1 to n/6
But in Atom's post on NMA I found something curios:

--- Quote from: Atom ---When I changed ToHit to constant 100%, the primary target was hit by 334, and the two at it's sides for 333.

--- End quote ---
No bullets were wasted. So the question is how does the game round numbers?

down ... but i think i know how the no missing bullet is achived...
take 1/3 for left and 1/3 for right
and rest for mid line
divide it by two, make that hit the primary target
make the rest travel the mid line.

So the average for Avenger in the mid line is 12,38 (14 max).

Or, to all intents and purposes "about 1/3rd" :P


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