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About Miniguns

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Hello, I want to talk about the minigun. I had the disgrace to run over another player in the middle of the wasteland, he wanted to kill me, he held a minigun, but as I was easily 25 hexes away from him I just though that if he shot me it would not hurt that much as if I was right in front of him...it seems i was wrong, he hit me for 140 HPs.  Now, that's so wrong. The minigun burst fires 30 rounds at 60000 RPM , ok but at maximum range there is no way that the 30 hit the target, because of the spread of the bullets and because you hold it in your hands!  ;D . It happens with the SMG or the Assault Rifle, standing in front of the target a burst is deadly, but far away like 5 hexes it is not much.
    But the reason I write this post is to ask if with the minigun this happens everytime or it was just bad luck, because i don't want to post it as a suggestion if it does not.

If he is skilled with Big Guns, then about 1/3rd of the bullets will have hit you. If this is average or lucky depends on what bullets he was using and what armour you had on

you either had no armor or some weak one and no toughtness
if he has v high skill he will have 95% hit on you so it doesnt really matter if its 10 or 25 hexes ....
as for spread ... well it might have spread but its not a aoe weapon with no aim...
(here however some different mechanics for minigun and rifle spread could be nice - maybe in future)


--- Quote from: Karpov on February 04, 2010, 06:16:13 pm ---Hello, I want to talk about the minigun. I had the disgrace to run over another player in the middle of the wasteland, he wanted to kill me, he held a minigun, but as I was easily 25 hexes away from him I just though that if he shot me it would not hurt that much as if I was right in front of him...it seems i was wrong, he hit me for 140 HPs.  Now, that's so wrong. The minigun burst fires 30 rounds at 60000 RPM , ok but at maximum range there is no way that the 30 hit the target, because of the spread of the bullets and because you hold it in your hands!  ;D . It happens with the SMG or the Assault Rifle, standing in front of the target a burst is deadly, but far away like 5 hexes it is not much.
    But the reason I write this post is to ask if with the minigun this happens everytime or it was just bad luck, because i don't want to post it as a suggestion if it does not.

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i'm play a minigun with 2 perk BRD (bonus range dmg), that mine i will get more +4dmg/1bullet. If u don't have armor i think i can hurt u with 100-160hp. (40/3) x ((8-11)x4) = ????

If you have no armor, don't be surprised to be butchered: minigun shot 30 bullet, with JHP ammunition, it do *2dmg of 8-11 with 30% DR
So if only 1/3 of bullets hit (and a very skilled Big Gunner gonna thit more), you take easily 120 damage! And if you are little lucky (IRL I mean ;p) you can do more.
But with a good armor, things changes a lot and it's no so much effective, but minigun is ultimate to kill bluesuits ;p.


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