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New Vegas: shit or not shit?

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--- Quote from: Lexx on February 07, 2010, 02:13:37 pm ---I will never play out of hardcore mode.

--- End quote ---
That's what I thought as soon as I saw it, and I'll do just that.

I like a challenge and ammo weight is closer to the original than carrying an entire armoury's worth of shit with you. Anything to balance out the infantilization of everything for console gamers, fallout 3 posed no real challenges.

Wasn't shooting everyone's heads off challanging?

I think that they should also modify combat system in "hardcore" mode, since it was way to easy to kill stuff and required no tactics at all. The game in which you have to drink water and cannot carry unlimited amount of ammo, but still can kill stuff with shitty gun without any problem still isn't what I would call "playable".

I'm guessing you either didn't play it on hard or never touched the expansions. Also if you ever played f2 you become pretty godlike 1 hit killing everything.

Expansions are totally different thing. Also - you have to pay additional money for those. I don't really want to lie to you - I don't remember what difficulty level i played on, but I'm guessing that I would just have to handle my pad better. There was not much of a tactics in every-few-seconds-VATS using or just running like crazy and shooting some heads off. Also - the amount of stimpaks and other kinky stuff in my backpack would suggest, that even hard (if it wasnt hard) lvl wouldnt be that scary. All of that when I played F3 first time (and last).

And yeah - I wont tell you how was it precisely when i played F2 for the first time, but from what i remember, killing Metzger was a challange for the first time. Its obvious thats most of people here can own F2 with their eyes closed, but since we all finished that game dozen^ times, its not really a good point ;)


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