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New Vegas: shit or not shit?

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They screwed it up with the expansions. Because the main game was too easy they made enemies ignore your armour class and have so much health it takes 5 rockets to dent a guys hp. Unarmed is the easiest because you can just chain stun everything.

fonline > fallout 3


--- Quote from: zubrowka on February 08, 2010, 11:52:42 am ---fonline > fallout 3

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It's obvious.

But can you say it about New Vegas? I'm really intrigued now.

I wouldn't go that far, fallout 3 had a  on of problems but nowhere near as much as fonline. To be honest I'd be surprised if this ever amounted to anything based on the retarded ideas that have been implemented so far.


--- Quote from: Roachor on February 09, 2010, 12:42:56 am ---I wouldn't go that far, fallout 3 had a  on of problems but nowhere near as much as fonline. To be honest I'd be surprised if this ever amounted to anything based on the retarded ideas that have been implemented so far.

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...FOnline is better than Fallout 3 by far. The finished product will be even better. It's not even a contest.


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