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New Vegas: shit or not shit?
Here You will find trailer:
IMHO it is shit, looks like Killzone, only robot is quite nice
I knew it would be just as Fallout "shitty" 3 when one of their devs said "It will be the same sort of role-playing game experience seen in Fallout 3". I wouldn't believe it, but it seems Obsidian team is ready to do exactly the same Fallout as Fallout 3.
And what the hell does NCR flag near Las Vegas ?!
WHY ;( Why would they do such a horrible thing to me... AGAIN!?
Teaser trailer is teaser trailer, nothing of substance, and I think it's the substance we are interested in...
I'm still optimistic. It'll be better than Fallout 3, but perhaps no Van Buren.
I'm not going to dismiss it, though. Just because I've had steak, doesn't mean I'm going to turn down a hamburger.
I just watched it. I'm happy they've moved on with the colour scheme. BLUE! REMEMBER BLUE? REMEMBER ORANGE AND RED? I missed those guys.
I think it'll be good. I'm happy the NCR are there - that puts the whole thing in the context of the shady and aggressive expansion NCR was going to embark on in Van Buren. It won't be what VB was going to be, but I find political treachery where there are no good guys a lot more interesting than YOU MUST SAVE WASTELAND WITH LIAM NEESON AND YOUR BEST PALS THE BOS.
I'm expecting a lot more moral ambiguity and people not being what they appear.
The NCR presence isn't exactly like the BOS moving from coast to coast. The length of the Fallout 1/2 worldmap stretches from southern Oregon to Bakersfield, I'm pretty sure that's shorter than the distance from the Boneyard (Los Angeles) to Vegas. Van Buren was all about expanding into Utah. If we can make it from California to Denver, we can make it to Vegas.
I just hope you're not another fucking Vault Dweller. Why can't I just be a scummy Vegas wastelander?
Goddamn it, now I'm excited. I hate you guys.
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