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New Vegas: shit or not shit?

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omg lol i was right! their trying to mix NV with Van Buren... check out NMA latest posts about NV! http://www.nma-fallout.com/

Aren't you excited? probably not but I am! Woot Van Buren characters. Although it isnt an official remake they clearly took what they liked (loved) from Van Buren and used it as canon. Van Buren apparently already happened and NV is set in the future of all these events, including F3. It will also have a definative ending to the Fallout series so far! You can also murder all 2,200 characters in NV and create your own chaoctic ending to the series. (All npcs except for 1 and children are killable) I personally would kill children in a vidgeo game if i was playing as an evil character, it dissapoints me that child killing is no longer in vidgeo games :( I know its evil and immoral but that is part of the experience. Killing a child affects the player emotionally, creating more serious ties to the player's character, expecially if the world around this player evolves from its actions.

Anyhow can't wait for NV, however I will not be pre-ordering it or buying any special packs. There is an 80% chance that I will buy it tho :( (damn you Fallout!) And then regret it by the time the GotY and DLC's are released.
I am simply looking forward to a NEW fallout story and the chance to explore some wicked dialog. Since Obsidian is creating the game, and from what we've seen from Alpha Protocol (amazing dialog; only reason to play it) NV will have some very impressive dialog and storytelling.

For all those who will hate NV please play the game as an evil char and destroy the world Bethesda polluted! You can murder over 2200 people anyways... that is a big number, too bad bullets have weight you'll have to make a couple of trips for this quest... 

Reward= Stress Relief and the avoidance of angry fan letters to the company. Down side: 60$ (59$ to Bethesda, 99 cents to Obsidian, and 1 hard earned penny for the guys making the music :P)

Anybody know if they will be releasing a new G.E.C.K?  BTw: Expect mods, cheats, and item codes (from the pre order packs) online within a week of the release. Don't fall for a crappy 20$ Armoured Vault Suit! Use player.additem 0068579 instead!

The old GECK will most probably being able to load the FO:NV files, so no worries.
I personally won't use mods. I want to play the game the way the developers want, not some random fat guy creating mods in his cellar.


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on August 24, 2010, 10:02:04 pm ---The old GECK will most probably being able to load the FO:NV files, so no worries.
I personally won't use mods. I want to play the game the way the developers want, not some random fat guy creating mods in his cellar.

--- End quote ---
Some random fat guy creating mods that fix the half-assed pieces shits Bethesesda has been conveyering out and enhances the game 10 fold. :P

No mod can "fix" Fallout 3.


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on August 24, 2010, 10:07:33 pm ---No mod can "fix" Fallout 3.

--- End quote ---
Close but no dice  :P.

Call of Duty Mod, mercenary mods, faction mods, all put together make the game a true survival game.


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