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New Vegas: shit or not shit?
They "followed" it, yeh. They didnt add something new, or took away older stuff and changed it to fit in their design.
Well its better then nothing right? At least it looked good on paper ;P
Check out gamespots preview for NV - Contains Spoilers...
Good? Bad? Keep in mind that it is poorly written (FU Gamespot)
No mutants allowed posted a great preview for NV narrated by Feargus himself! Check it out...http://g4tv.com/videos/48105/Fallout-New-Vegas-Senior-Designer-Interview/?quality=hd
NV will also have DLC's soooo FUCK YOU NEW VEGAS I ain't preordering you or buying you :) Maybe I'll get the GotY edition but until further notice (of multiplayer which will never happen) it's not worth the buy. Pirate sites will be busy soon...
Fuckin' devs making games that aren't worth buying or releasing DLC's every 3 months making the gamer spend another 10-20$ on new quests...
Goty Edition? Have fun waiting a year or so.
Also. Isohunt, downloading games? First warning for you on here.
Whooops...anyhow yeah I bet NV will earn Game of the Year within a few months of the release. All the F3 fans will be buying it, plus whomever gets sucked into it by the hype. It's going to make money whether or not we approve :( Oh well the Fallout team gets rich and gets the motivation to continue the series! Eventually they will go off and form their own independant company and revive the original series by the time we're old and decrepited or alteast mold Bethesda into a better company...
5$ says a new Fallout licensing lawsuit will occur over Bethesda and the original Fallout team. 5$ also says I end up bitting the bullet and buying NV prematurely and end up posting about it... >:( Damn my lust for everything Fallout! I'm still looking for a used copy of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for the Xbox...Will play it once too then let it collect dust... Arg...
Anyhow, let's hear something positive about NV and the fact that the original Fallout team is working on it and that the rest of them are working on Project V.13 (The real Fallout Online, whom apparently know about this game 2238 and have stolen its concept! Anyone else remember reading something like that?)
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