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Author Topic: OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD  (Read 17544 times)


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« Reply #60 on: May 03, 2011, 07:58:25 am »

There are already alot of replys uploaded everywhere by dudes who share my point. And if u think i fear USA's napalm or bombs, u're wrong.


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« Reply #61 on: May 03, 2011, 08:20:52 am »

if u think i fear USA's napalm or bombs, u're wrong.
I don't think you are afraid of repercussions of the military. I am suggesting that you are afraid of lynching by the public.

I for one am glad that this towelheaded, backwardassy old man is dead, and I hope his organisation will soon follow. The "Great Evil Sex-Crazed Infidel Corrupt Capitalist Empire" he fought welcomes everyone into its borders, gives them jobs, food, freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms in defense from thugs and welfare (when it's deserved). America helps other countries and does not expect any thanks, it sends shittons of food, supplies and money to countries in need. America does not care if these countries will accept its aid or if these countries will grow dependent on America's aid. America is the most philantropist country in the world. And you dare to scorn it for defending itself. Why don't you go marry a mail box somewhere in Emirates of Backwardassy Arabia?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 08:22:25 am by lehytek »
I saw your post, I had to LOL really hard. Hilarious.  8) Too bad they removed it, don't know why, it was not offensive to anyone.


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« Reply #62 on: May 03, 2011, 08:36:45 am »

Talking to such a blind person leads to nowhere *cought*. Take off your purple glasses.


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« Reply #63 on: May 03, 2011, 08:38:36 am »

Talking to such a blind person leads to nowhere *cought*. Take off your purple glasses.
Take off your tinfoil. I know your games. It is better to serve the empire than to fight it.
I saw your post, I had to LOL really hard. Hilarious.  8) Too bad they removed it, don't know why, it was not offensive to anyone.


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« Reply #64 on: May 03, 2011, 08:46:49 am »

If u're so proud to serve the *Empire*  why aren't u on frontline in Afganistan, defending it's democracy state?

And i think u even don't clearly know what happend there for real and from where USA - Al-Khaida war comes from...


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« Reply #65 on: May 03, 2011, 08:54:15 am »

If u're so proud to serve the *Empire*  why aren't u on frontline in Afganistan, defending it's democracy state?
I'm working on a degree. & FYI military medical commission did not classify me as a cannon fodder material.
And i think u even don't clearly know what happend there for real and from where USA - Al-Khaida war comes from...
You watched too much Zeitgeist.

On an additional note, I bet you're not even American.
I saw your post, I had to LOL really hard. Hilarious.  8) Too bad they removed it, don't know why, it was not offensive to anyone.


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« Reply #66 on: May 03, 2011, 09:03:07 am »

I don't need to watch something called *Zeitgeist*(don't even know wth is this) to know waht happen in afganistan. i live much closer to this country than u can imagine. And ofc i'm not a brainwashed american *I serve Empire* fellow.


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« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2011, 09:16:13 am »

If you think I don't know about the oil conquest, you're wrong. It's obvious that oil is running out. Replacement fuels are already available, Brazil uses ethanol-based propulsion and it's doing alright. Hydrogen cells are on the way. Electric motors are primitive so far, but it is getting better each year. We can use up all the oil without worries, we're set up.

And it's not like Middle East really needs all that oil when they're still at the stage of medievalesque judicial system.
I saw your post, I had to LOL really hard. Hilarious.  8) Too bad they removed it, don't know why, it was not offensive to anyone.

Alec Ramsey

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« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2011, 11:34:21 am »

bin laden was an asshole.   killed lots of people.   w. bush   was an a**hole. did the same thing, only took it further by playing americans for suckers and worked on his golf swing.  i dont care WHAT flag an a**hole is waving when he dies, he's still south of a ballsack.  america is there for the oil.  it helps to kill a bad guy while taking it. score double for avenging 9-11.

stupid when anyone thinks "we win".  nobody wins this bullshit.   one big ****ing dumb idea, just another car in the retard train of world domination.

like other people on here said, hes just an icon. a famous person.   this is janet jacksons tit.    

someone gets shot.   throw a damn party. >:(
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 11:38:22 am by Alec Ramsey »


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« Reply #69 on: May 03, 2011, 11:35:46 am »

And it's not like Middle East really needs all that oil when they're still at the stage of medievalesque judicial system.

Sounds like: Why the hell Middle East needs their oil? We can find a better use for all this resourses! Coz we have so awesome High_Tech judicial system!

if in 100 years you have spent most of your natural resources does not give you any right to withdraw them from the weaker countries under the false pretense of *liberation from tyranny* *protection of civilian populations* or *restorative justice*.

But this is life as it should be, what it has always been. Strong precedence over the weak. But in the 20th century, people learned to skillfully hide their claims to land, resources behind political intrigues, bureaucratic tricks and mass media manipulations.

And if u killed a kid's parents, be prepared to feel his revenge when he will grow up.


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« Reply #70 on: May 03, 2011, 11:46:22 am »



  • No Parole from Rock 'n' Roll, all the way from L.A
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« Reply #71 on: May 03, 2011, 02:48:33 pm »

In first place, the US is who decide who's terrorist and who's not. So your entire point about terrorism is wrong. You Slave Snipe and Nice Boat think in that because are from the US. They attack, when you have attacked in the past, and then they are simply terrorists. They and the arab union has since some time ago been charged in their homelands and then you're surprised of getting bombed! Oh, that was totally unexpected. Why do you think Osama trained (and trained his brothers) that seriously? because he was wanting the defense of his people. When extremists he was acquiring are for not good, he was expecting them to believe that hard in what they believe, because he was plenty sure that teaching that way, they were willing to spend their lives for his country, as any other religious would dare. And that's why there in the US are so Christians too, and the only thing they let read in their prison is the bible as example.

The policeman being a criminal.

I have to point your ignorance about Depleted Uranium, Nice Boat, inasmuch it not a metal, Uranium is a mineral, secondary to this, it contains uranium-238, checked that produces teratogenic effects. It damages many tissues, as it has been proved in humans and other animals. In a land of almost non existence of Cancer, you were there to pollute just in 2001 in the war against Iraq, over 100 tons of this DU. Clearly is more easy and cheap (than the treatment) to go and pull out the waste of your plants, instead of bury on some site out of the US, when US and other governments does it actually on countries of the third world.

If DU only affects whosoever were reached by these bullets, then there shouldn't be Cancer, but there it is, and the cases were incremental, not affecting their soldiers which the most has perished, but their children and women.

Some afghans are Taliban, not all. You cannot separate them from each other, as well as the Pakistanis Taliban. If there were no resistance, then you would kill them all, without seeing difference. Their leaders are worried about his members, and expect them to be extremist because they response to the US attack as it were the Jihad for them. If they weren't extremist, they weren't fighting expecting death as they do.

The US may not get benefits now, but they will obviously do in the future, when they controlled the zone, or at least Israel will, then Israel will be the one who export to US. If not, US will have no oil in short time.

If you call me leftist defending so many people, and in your blindness, of an all brainwashed soldier you do not see the massacre, then yes, you can call me all you want leftist, the same reason why here, in Chile, so many people disappear, and were later assassinated by a dictatorship imposed by the US. Only took one dictatorship here, I'm thankful there wasn't war against our Argentinean brothers because of it in 1973, but almost. And yes, believe me Slaver Snipe, our dictatorship, Pinocchio, was a tyrant. Military killing unarmed, innocent people, only for their beliefs.

So, sure, you know about harmony of countries or states being together as one, so you spread disunity between the rest to make them weak, the same US is doing in Middle East, worried most in take their people apart.

Israel got nukes, obviously with coop. of US and other countries. Nuclear nukes. Lots of them. So, are you psychotic of what the neighborhood would expect of this? Israel and US couldn't do it as Wehrmacht to get what they want, that would be evidently non-sense since US was avoiding this from other countries to do it. It would be exactly what they were fighting against. They rather hide, and not do it openly, nor directly.

Now, going On-Topic, I think that the death of Osama will fervent their supporters, as said before, some of them will take the leadership. Not much will change. The US will continue expending wrongly their economy. If it becomes harsh, they will attack increasingly with even more excessive force once and once again.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 03:05:34 pm by cogliostro »
Let them eat metal!


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« Reply #72 on: May 03, 2011, 06:11:49 pm »

In first place, the US is who decide who's terrorist and who's not. So your entire point about terrorism is wrong. You Slave Snipe and Nice Boat think in that because are from the US. They attack, when you have attacked in the past, and then they are simply terrorists. They and the arab union has since some time ago been charged in their homelands and then you're surprised of getting bombed! Oh, that was totally unexpected.

I've already said I'm not from the US. I'm from Poland. Last time my country was bombed was when the Red Army was kicking the living shit out of the retreating Nazis. Also, Arabs had pretty friendly relations with the US after World War 2, because Americans really helped with the decolonization of the Middle East. Remember the Suez Canal crisis? Yeah, that time when the US prevented England, France and Israel from kicking Egypt's arse. Quite an act of aggression, eh? Problems started when the islamic extremists decided it's time to wipe Israel off the map and Americans weren't really positive about the idea so they supplied Israel with arms and funds. Another act of aggression, eh? I mean, letting Arabs go along with holocaust-redux would be just fine from your point of view, right? Christ, your views are even more messed up than Middle Eastern politics.

Why do you think Osama trained (and trained his brothers) that seriously? because he was wanting the defense of his people. When extremists he was acquiring are for not good, he was expecting them to believe that hard in what they believe, because he was plenty sure that teaching that way, they were willing to spend their lives for his country, as any other religious would dare. And that's why there in the US are so Christians too, and the only thing they let read in their prison is the bible as example.

The policeman being a criminal.

So you're saying that because he wanted to defend his people he and his Taliban cronies killed so many of them? That's great. I think I'm starting to like the way you think, I think I'll join the police and the next time I witness a robbery in progress I'll shoot the victim instead of the assailant. I mean, you can't rob him if he's dead, so I'd be protecting him just like Osama was protecting the Afghans. Oh wait, that'd actually be a real case of the policeman being a criminal.

I have to point your ignorance about Depleted Uranium, Nice Boat, inasmuch it not a metal, Uranium is a mineral, secondary to this, it contains uranium-238, checked that produces teratogenic effects. It damages many tissues, as it has been proved in humans and other animals. In a land of almost non existence of Cancer, you were there to pollute just in 2001 in the war against Iraq, over 100 tons of this DU. Clearly is more easy and cheap (than the treatment) to go and pull out the waste of your plants, instead of bury on some site out of the US, when US and other governments does it actually on countries of the third world.

Yeah, that's why every American, French and British soldier, especially tank crews, dies from cancer or radiation poisoning within a few months from deployment. I mean, from what you're saying live fire ranges must be the most dangerous and carcinogenic places on Earth... somehow, that's not true. Besides, DU is used not only in munitions but also in modernised Chobham armor - I don't remember any trooper bitching about that, and they sit inside those vehicles for hours and turn out ok. Heck, even the WHO says that DU doesn't present any real health risks. The only way you could be poisoned by the damned thing would be if you ingested or inhaled it - and somehow I don't remember NATO troops force feeding captured Taliban fighters DU powder. Oh, and DU is not a mineral as it doesn't occur naturally - it's a byproduct of nuclear fission, for god's sake. I'm starting to suspect that you don't know anything about science (I mean you obviously can't tell a metal from a mineral, which is like elementary school stuff where I live) and DU munitions are just "evil magical bullits that the satanic zyionists and murricans use to kill babies" from your uneducated perspective.

If DU only affects whosoever were reached by these bullets, then there shouldn't be Cancer, but there it is, and the cases were incremental, not affecting their soldiers which the most has perished, but their children and women.

Citation needed. And no, left wing activist groups don't count. Besides - most of the soldiers have perished? Are you high? Do you even know what the casualty rates in those wars (or modern warfare in general) are?

Some afghans are Taliban, not all. You cannot separate them from each other, as well as the Pakistanis Taliban. If there were no resistance, then you would kill them all, without seeing difference. Their leaders are worried about his members, and expect them to be extremist because they response to the US attack as it were the Jihad for them. If they weren't extremist, they weren't fighting expecting death as they do.

So yeah, they're the crazy bastards who do things like this:'a_Khalil_Aswad

... why should we let them win again? Because you're feeling butthurt about NATO intervening in ongoing civil wars? I don't think so, Tim.

The US may not get benefits now, but they will obviously do in the future, when they controlled the zone, or at least Israel will, then Israel will be the one who export to US. If not, US will have no oil in short time.

Of course they will get benefits in the long term, like lowering the influence of islamic extremism or having a friendly country or two in the region. Afghans and Iraquis will get benefits too - their economies will grow, their civil liberties will expand. Ultimately, the only people who lose are those dumbass ragheads who think blowing yourself up in a crowded market and killing tens of your compatriots is a good way of making the world a better place.

If you call me leftist defending so many people, and in your blindness, of an all brainwashed soldier you do not see the massacre, then yes, you can call me all you want leftist, the same reason why here, in Chile, so many people disappear, and were later assassinated by a dictatorship imposed by the US. Only took one dictatorship here, I'm thankful there wasn't war against our Argentinean brothers because of it in 1973, but almost. And yes, believe me Slaver Snipe, our dictatorship, Pinocchio, was a tyrant. Military killing unarmed, innocent people, only for their beliefs.

So you'd rather go with being sucked into the Soviet sphere of influence? Yeah, Cold War was bad and Americans did some pretty nasty shit to secure a victory but at least you and your parents had the comfort of being born in an idependent country while I was born in a Soviet puppet state that had "eternal friendship with the USSR" written into its constitution at that time.

So, sure, you know about harmony of countries or states being together as one, so you spread disunity between the rest to make them weak, the same US is doing in Middle East, worried most in take their people apart.

The Middle East is a conflicted place even when left alone, there's no real need of "breaking those people apart". If anything, the US presence in the region offers some hope of order and stability - both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have mostly been on friendly terms with the US and I'd say they're pretty well off on that deal, no?

Israel got nukes, obviously with coop. of US and other countries. Nuclear nukes. Lots of them. So, are you psychotic of what the neighborhood would expect of this? Israel and US couldn't do it as Wehrmacht to get what they want, that would be evidently non-sense since US was avoiding this from other countries to do it. It would be exactly what they were fighting against. They rather hide, and not do it openly, nor directly.

So yeah, they've got nukes, plenty of them. They didn't use them even when the very existence of their country was threatened in numerous, unprovoked wars with the Arab states. Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, said that Israel should be "wiped off the map". See the difference? The Israelis just want to be left alone and our dear Mahmoud wants to mess their stuff up. For any objective observer it's quite obvious who's the aggressor here - for you it's not, because you're applying double standards because of some crappy ideological bias. You want NATO to be completely perfect and never err while you don't give a damn about their opponents openly and directly speaking of genocide. That's pretty sick, dude.

Now, going On-Topic, I think that the death of Osama will fervent their supporters, as said before, some of them will take the leadership. Not much will change. The US will continue expending wrongly their economy. If it becomes harsh, they will attack increasingly with even more excessive force once and once again.

I don't really think you're right, especially since war in Iraq has mostly been over for 2 years and most troops stationed there haven't seen a firefight in months. I certainly hope Afghanistan follows suit and both countries will rebuild free of extremist shitheaded bastards who would gladly stone a 17 year old girl to death because she's been dating the wrong boy.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 06:30:51 pm by Nice_Boat »


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« Reply #73 on: May 04, 2011, 01:47:51 am »

Lol irony lol citations lol references from wikipedia. Lol university work lol forums lol Poland lol horses agianst tanks lol. Lol military using DU munitions on already powerful 125mm MBT and 30mm autocannon that-are-already-effective-at-penetrating-armor rounds. Lol everything. Lol. Lol next plot to Operation Flashpoint. Lol Cold War. Lol topic. Lol 2 people talking about something. Lol posts not solving any world issues. Lol edited statement about casualties meaning little even if they are minimal lol offensive to troops lol offensive to families of dead troops lol. Lol Stalin mentality. Lol humanism.
« Reply #74 on: May 04, 2011, 02:51:56 am »

It took only 2 wars and 100 000+ dead civilians to get him. It could have been worse...

Like, worse like WTC? ;) Or wait, that was not 100 000... No matter, human life is worth equally, no matter of age, skin color or nationality.. from perspective of american rockets... no! i mean crackers! Yes, i mean cheese crackers ofcourse! Well, anyways, at least terrorism have taken big defeat, children in the world can sleep safe, unless they are grandchildren of Gaddafi... Oh damn, oops, sorry USA goverment, i dont know what to say, everything turns out wrongly somehow and i dont want to make you angry at me!  :-X
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