You can modify your cars at T-ray to use all alcohols as fuel. However, this end up being more expansive than using small energy cell (cheapest fuel).
Car outdoorsman replace yours, so you can always avoid 95% of encounters, but won't gain any xp.
You can't escape with car in a TB encounter as long the combat is open, RT is highly suggested.
Buggy and cockroach have lowest fuel consumption, but buggy have highest deterioration rate by far.
Hummer have lowest deterioration rate, followed by cockroach.
On the world map, you go faster on desert/plains/hills squares, and slower on mountains. It affects much the speed of some cars (like highwayman) as well as their deterioration rate, so try to choose your path.
If you killed one NPC and he keep attacking you, causing all the town to attack you when he hit you, you have to let him kill you in order to make peace with him. However, this is the NPC whom you killed that must kill you, not his friends, so you have to run far from them before letting him hit you.
You can't enter Junktown at night if you're in a faction, you can if you aren't.
If you have auto aim mode activated with a weapon which cannot aim, it will always make "fake shot", so you better configure a key to desactivate the aim mode.
The place where a car spawn in maps is often different from the place where you spawn without car.
You can blew up doors with explosives. Explosions effects bypass walls.
Going point blank with a burst weapon allow to do 3* damage. All others ranges are the same as long you have 95% ToHit.
It is useless to go point blank with pancor and other shotguns however, as their spread formula is different.
You can easily steal the equipement of a player or a NPC in coma (negative HP) or knocked out: it's automatic success.
If you have an explosive in your inventory when it blow up, it's insta kill for you, and longer respawn.
If you don't want to have an addiction when relogging, wait the end of drug effect before disconnecting.
Poison kill you at 0HP. More you are poisoned, bigger and faster are the damage. More you are poisoned, more damage you will take at the next attack which will poison you (it's how centaurs can kill you so fast.)
It's a luck roll to determine if you are poisoned. 10 luck will almost never be poisoned.
The NPCs see through walls.