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Author Topic: "Did you know...?" (useful tips)  (Read 17885 times)


  • [TSAR]Sol & [TSAR]Ketur
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"Did you know...?" (useful tips)
« on: April 30, 2011, 04:10:39 am »

Did you know that ...


...when 2 or more bodies are stacking, you can loot them using little arrows under the critter's portrait in looting window.

..."to tag" means to set follow on someone. tag someone, you must hold click on him and select the right icon.

...the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc are linked with the skilldex (5 for FA, 6 for Doc, etc...). can set autorun in Fonlineconfig.exe. can bind keys to shoot different parts of bodies (aka autoaim) in Fonline2238config.exe. can turn your character around using "," and "." (add clicking on your character and you get hyper fast defense spin). (azerty version : ";" and ":") can have damage indicated over head ingame using Fonlineconfig.exe and setting delay to 3000 ms (or so) in the Combat panel. can use "z" and mousewheel to zoom in and out ingame (very useful for snipers who play lower resolutions). (azerty version : "w")

...function keys have all sorts of functions. can switch between russian and english keyboard layout using alt+shift CTRL+SHIFT.

..."a" switches your cursor to attack, "q" and "w" respectively display your range of sight and range of weapon. (azerty : "q", "a" and "z")

..."b" switches hand slot, "n" switches hand item mode.

..."m" switches cursor mode. (azerty : ",")

...pressing "p" twice accesses your pipboy's status. can press "g" on top of an item to pick it up. can press "t" to display "leader" and "follower" icons overhead. (people think its a bug if ther can't see those icons until someone tell them about "t").

...once you crafted an item, you can press "F" twice to go quickly to the fixboy. A bit faster than "fix" -> "done" -> "fix" -> "done"... can tag a person who's running by clicking ahead of him. (this one is hard to master and close to useless unless you wanna tent follow i guess) can run by holding "SHIFT" if you haven't set the autorun in Fonlineconfig.exe (in which case it makes you walk).

...use PREVIEW while on a town on worldmap to see different spawning points and to scout them (what you see depends on your perception). can tell actions like **Lagging** if you type .e before your message. (thanks to LagMaster for this tip!) can talk like this in game if you type .o before the message, also you will be heard even if dead ! (thanks to LagMaster for this tip!)


...bunker base has its own private low quality mine inside. (slaves cannot mine there - thanks to Ernest for clarification !)

...when stuck at -0hp, you can type "~cuttheveins" as it will kill you for good and allow you to respawn. can increase your karma of a city by buying an item with caps to a merchant inside this city. can heal your radiation/crippled limbs in Redding, NCR, Vault city by talking to the doctors there for around 1000 caps.

...when you leave a faction, people who had you tagged green or red will see you grey again (not confirmed).

...there are a few "immature deathclaws" who live in the warehouse area of Boneyard Los angeles, they have less than 100 hp and give 250 xp. They have fast respawn timer so it might be a good place to xp for 2-3 friends. don't have to be member of a base to gain access to it (aka see its location). Simply create a new record for non-member in the database, and change the status to FRIEND (important member or leader status needed to make this change). The next time the character will come to the base he will get a message saying : "you now know the way to this location". can use steal on a container that's already open to loot it (no need to close it and re open it).

...turning your character 1 frame around will make you immune to eyeshots from a character that was facing you. have more chance to encounter a player using "both modes" combat mode (not really confirmed, though it seems to make sense).

...if you stay within an encounter for longer then (about) 10 minutes it can't be found by another player by accident anymore. Secure way to park a car within the wasteland by the way. (thanks to Balthasar for this tip!)'s sometimes safer to run from an encounter on a diagonal line.

...friendly NPCs won't shoot you for looting if you let them loot first. Any remaining loot is yours for the taking. can use drugs to higher your stats in order to take any level of profession. (mentats for +2 charisma or intelligence for example) can make a location visible for yourself (and others with you) on the worldmap by parking a car and removing it while at least one of the group stays within the map. Of course this will vanish when the last one went out of the map.  (thanks to Balthasar for this tip!)

...killing Khans (aka leather armor raiders) raises your reputation among some NPC groups, but doesn't decrease reputation among Khans (Raiders). (thanks to Killian for this tip!) can fuck Miria in Modoc and receive 2 condoms for doing that. (thanks to Vedaras for this safe tip!) can tag a sneaker so that he can use sneak while in your field of view.

...if 10 persons tag 1 guy, and this guy tags a sneaker, the sneaker can use sneak in all of their field of view.

...when you spawn in an encounter, you are always facing the critters.

...the chance to heal weakened status depends on your level : for a lvl 21, you need 210% doc skill to have maximum chance of success.

...there's a basement in New Reno Arms, behind the rusted lookin shelfs in the top right room. (thanks to Mickaelh139 for this sneaky tip !) can use drugs to temporarily raise your SPECIAL in order to take a profession level. cannot have more than 4 levels of proffesions (lvl 3 armorer + lvl 1 small gun, or lvl2 + lvl2)

...reputation with a faction will increase over time to -200 if lower than that and decrease to 200 if higher. can make an encounter visible for your friends who are on the same radio channel as you by typing "/h message". It will create a red dot visible on world map for those tuned to your channel (both the sender and the receiver MUST have radio in one of their hand slots). can know if someone is unprotected in a guarded town by alt clicking him and selecting "PUSH". If any message appears in your message log ("they are not blocking anything") , he is unprotected. (thanks to mrninjamonk for this tip!)

...when someone kill you, he will probably loot you. So my advice is, dont take to much loot to inventory. (thanks to Hololasima for this safety tip !)

...when you are poisoned, you die the moment you hit 0 HP, and not -20 like when you are healthy.

...suffering HP loss from super stimpacks will kill you at 0 hp as well, not -20. can take someone to your tent even if you have 1 charisma if one of your friends has some charisma. You just have to point the leader so he moves you over your tent, then ask him to give you lead and enter your tent.

...when playing pve and looting stuff like guns and so on, always keep guns reloaded becouse ammo weight dont count when it is in a gun, therefore loaded gun weight < Gun + ammo. (thanks to Avoral for this pro tip !)

...superstims loss of HP can happen after death. And it can easily kill you. If you know you used superstims before dying, find a way to heal yourself, or don't take any car nor enter in a base where you're only friend. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !)

...if you killed one NPC and he keep attacking you, causing all the town to attack you when he hit you, you have to let him kill you in order to make peace with him. However, this is the NPC whom you killed that must kill you, not his friends, so you have to run far from them before letting him hit you. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !) can't enter Junktown at night if you're in a faction, you can if you aren't. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !)

...if you have auto aim mode activated with a weapon which cannot aim, it will always make "fake shot", so you better configure a key to desactivate the aim mode. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !) can blew up doors with explosives. Also explosions effects bypass walls. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !)

...going point blank with a burst weapon allow to do 3* damage. All others ranges are the same as long you have 95% ToHit. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !) is useless to go point blank with pancor and other shotguns however, as their spread formula is different. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !) can easily steal the equipement of a player or a NPC in coma (negative HP) or knocked out: it's automatic success. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !)

...if you have an explosive in your inventory when it blow up, it's insta kill for you, and longer respawn. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !)

...if you don't want to have an addiction when relogging, wait the end of drug effect before disconnecting. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !)

...poison kill you at 0HP. More you are poisoned, bigger and faster are the damage. More you are poisoned, more damage you will take at the next attack which will poison you (it's how centaurs can kill you so fast.) (thanks to Crazy for this interesting tip !)'s a luck roll to determine if you are poisoned. 10 luck will almost never be poisoned. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !)

...the NPCs see through walls. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !) can see infinite number of tents, but you can only build one, if you build other one, you will lose it. (thanks to LagMaster for this tip !) can upgrade a base to other base under the same name, but only the members that where with you at the upgrade will see it, this may be usefull in order to lose traitors/ desertors/ untrusted members(the data base will be the same, so if you bring them again without editing it, they will know the new location). (thanks to LagMaster for this interesting tip !)


...when there are too many slaves in a mine, they tend to get stuck BIG time, just punching the air all around the mine. aggroing them and running away gets them elsewhere, thus unstucking them. might require a few more tries. (thanks to Ernest for this tip!)

...mining order stays with the slave, gets canceled only if he gets another order _through dialogue_. alt-click orders do not cancel the shit. (thanks to Ernest for this tip!)

...if you tell a mining slave move to, he will return to the hex every time he has done the dug, allowing you to gather them easily when finished. (thanks to Ernest for this tip!) can set waypoints for a follower, doing their path backwards before he can reach it.

...if you give high priority tasks to followers, they go for it and then they try to fulfil the one given previously. so, if you want to hunt trappers [and you do, because they are the BEST SLAVES EVER], you just do attack [high priority] on one of them with a single slave, wait for the slave to punch him, and then you do ALOT of move to {high priority} tasks around your guns range. (thanks to Ernest for this tip!)

...DOG is a best mule, for it has unlimited capacity as all the followers, but cannot be stolen from. (still can be blown up though. as 2000 ores could tell) (thanks to Ernest for this tip!)

...If you travel on the map with Trapper slave you will have his 90% Outdoorsman [if you have outdoorsman <90]. (thanks to Ras for this tip!)

...when your slave or merc is blocked or you can't talk to him, press in the Alt menu "Move to" next "Stop all actions" and then "Switch to auto move". (thanks to Ras for this tip!)

...hit points of mercs you buy depends on the luck skill you have. (among other things yet to be specified) (thanks to Vedaras for this surprising tip!) ADDENDUM :  Mercenary HP dependant on S.P.E.C.I.A.L. affect ALL bought followers .  Dogs, mercenaries, super mutants, slaves....  Brahmin :>  Everything. (thanks to Michaelh139 for clarifying this a bit.)

...female trappers have more outdoorsman skill then the dudes and their metal armor gives them better damage resistance also they can throw grenades. (thanks to Jotisz for this tip !)

...ghoul slaves are quite the same as ghoul mercs (without level up) they often do similar damages with crits. (thanks to Jotisz for this tip !)

...brahmins that you tame will have after taming the same HP they got. That is 35,37,40,50, even 63 (thanks to LagMaster for this tip !)

...brahmins are the only followers that can level. (thanks to LagMaster for this tip !)

...if a folower(human or NPC slave/merk/dog/brahmin) have higher Outdoorsmen then you, if you encounter something they will warn you and they will get the xp. (thanks to LagMaster for this tip !)

TRADE : can restart the barter timer during a trade by giving an item, for example 1 cap, to the trader. can scroll through trader's list much faster using shift+mousewheel. can buy unlimited nuka-colas and cigarets from the Skum Pit in Junktown for 100 caps each. can type in the amount of items you want to transfer using the keyboard numbers.

...barter around 150-200 gives you 75% of the base price on unwanted items, allowing you to cash in almost anything for caps with low losses [higher barter does absolutely nothing and every ernest that tries to reach barter 300 is an idiot]. (thanks to Ernest for this tip!)

...geiger Counter (usually treated like rare item) is obtainable in NCR Train Station. You must have high outdoorsman and repair skill (above 120%) and you can get it from ghoul in NCR Train Station. (thanks to Killian for this secret tip!)

...weak Healing Powders are valuable for some traders like in junktown. (thanks to Killian for this tip!)

...the barter timer can be increased by increasing your barter skill.

...some merchants will trade with 1 charisma characters, for example the 2 merchants in New Reno commercial zone, and a merchant in Adytum, Boneyard area.

...traders will buy specific types of items for full price, based on what they are interested in, and will check your barter skills only for items they are not initially interested in.

...a list of traders and their favored goods can be found on the wiki.

...traders update their inventories every 3-6 real hours.


...the fastest car is the buggy, but it sucks on fuel so much it's crazy. can use science on a car to check its fuel and damage.

...when you park a car on the worldmap, the encounter stays active for around 10 minutes. While this time, players who walk the same square have a chance to encounter it. After that it is basically a tent, as you will still see its location even after death !

...the slowest car is the scout, what's it good at is yet to be discovered.

...1 SEC gives to your car 1 fuel unit and 1 MFC 1.5 fuel unit, rounded up. So if you have only a low amount of MFC, you should use them 1 by 1 on your car...(1 MFC -> 2 fuel unit, 2 MFC -> 3 fuel units)

...if you accidentally put your key in your own car's trunk, the only way to get it back is to lockpick the trunk.

...when a car is lockpicked, it can be used by anyone without a key in hand. Same goes for the trunk.

...T-Ray, the man who sells cars in New Reno, can make copies of the key in your hand for 1000 caps. can modify your cars at T-ray to use all alcohols as fuel. However, this end up being more expansive than using small energy cell (cheapest fuel). (thanks to Crazy for this eco frendly tip !) outdoorsman replace yours, so you can always avoid 95% of encounters, but won't gain any xp. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !) can't escape with car in a TB encounter as long the combat is open, RT is highly suggested. (thanks to Crazy for this tip !)

...on the world map, you go faster on desert/plains/hills squares, and slower on mountains. It affects much the speed of some cars (like highwayman) as well as their deterioration rate, so try to choose your path.

...the place where a car spawn in maps is often different from the place where you spawn without car.


- see RavenousRat.

Please add more useful tips you know about.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 03:25:11 am by Lacan »


  • Crazy 88
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Re: Did you know...? (useful tips)
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 04:14:27 am »

thanks for these helpful hints my friend.


  • Goin for 900,000...
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Re: Did you know...? (useful tips)
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 04:29:29 am »

Really good read indeed.  Very few things i didn't know already though :P

- you have more chance to encounter a player using "both modes" combat mode (not really confirmed, though it seems to make sense).
This IS confirmed though.  Otherwise you will encounter almost nobody, if anybody at all.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Did you know...? (useful tips)
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 05:03:01 pm »

I think this will be very useful for new players.
Carry on with the good work!
My current In-game name is Colan.


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Re: Did you know...? (useful tips)
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 05:07:52 pm »

Thank you, I didn't know these things about sneaker ;)


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Re: Did you know...? (useful tips)
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2011, 05:19:32 pm »

- you can switch between russian and english keyboard layout using alt+shift.
ctrl (Strg) + shift
- "b" switches hand slot, "n" switches hand item mode.
"m" switches between* hand item mode.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 07:07:25 am by Xarr »
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Did you know...? (useful tips)
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2011, 05:46:11 pm »

did you know that you can fuck Miria in Modoc and receive 2 condoms for doing that :D


  • If it bleeds we can kill it...
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Re: Did you know...? (useful tips)
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2011, 11:39:40 pm »

ctrl (Strg) + shift

It depends of your config...


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Re: Did you know...? (useful tips)
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 12:29:52 am »

It depends of your config...
if you dont change it it is ctrl shift  ;)
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.


  • Hobo with a shotgun
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Re: "Did you know...?" (useful tips) [updated]
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2011, 02:38:41 am »

Very  nice list sol:)

many many good tips here:)


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Re: "Did you know...?" (useful tips) [updated]
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2011, 07:09:50 am »

- you can heal your radiation/crippled limbs in Redding, NCR, Vault city by talking to the doctors there for around 1000 caps ?
or to Doctor Larrikin in Junktown... any doctor in town can do that
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 07:11:59 am by Xarr »
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.


  • TSAR
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Re: "Did you know...?" (useful tips) [updated]
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2011, 08:55:33 am »

The best knowledge of wasteland in one post ! What a good idea :)

Balio, Sunder, Snooky, Nopa, Lanza, Wyrn, Slevin, Avarice, Nevins, Alistar


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Re: "Did you know...?" (useful tips) [updated]
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2011, 09:45:36 am »

The best knowledge of wasteland in one post ! What a good idea :)
its not finished
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.
Re: "Did you know...?" (useful tips) [updated]
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2011, 10:07:39 am »

- you can use steal on a container that's already open to loot it (no need to close it and re open it).

Didn't know this yet, thanks ;)!

Some more general tips:

- You can make a location visible for yourself (and others with you) on the worldmap by parking a car and removing it while at least one of the group stays within the map. Of course this will vanish when the last one went out of the map.   
- If you stay within an encounter for longer then (about) 10 minutes it can't be found by another player by accident anymore. Secure way to park a car within the wasteland by the way.


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Re: "Did you know...?" (useful tips) [updated]
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2011, 10:09:01 am »

- If you travel on the map with Trapper you will have his 90 Outdoorsman [if you have outdoorsman <90]
- when your slave or merc will blocked or you can't talk with him, press in the Alt menu "Move to" next "Stop all actions" and then "Switch to auto move"
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