Yet another crazy idea of
mine, or you can say a bunch of ideas wrapped together. All this came to my little pretty head while playing and roleplaying through. Mines, mining, miners! It's nothing new, we have Redding and Little Lamplight - spare me the hurr durr please. We somehow use it almost everyday, by walking on the desert and searching for some lone rocks and minerals yay. Now, my first idea is to create mines. You walk through the desert, search for a rocky mountain with a cave entrance thing which is blocked. You use either a hammer, which takes about 10 minutes to 'dig'. It may have hp or something so you can make some breaks. You can also use the brand new item
did you see this little guy over here? It's shiny and neat, breaks skulls as well as solid rock. +10 to mining and head penetration, yo
The other way is just too do some KABOOM! = use explosives. Once you are inside the cave, which is totally dark, you can use your crazy science and outdoorsman skills to create fireplace from wood and flint. Once you can see anything, you can start doing stuff. Using your crazy skills again will allow you to create a BED. Yes, a bed. Using its magical hidden powers will fasten your healing rate x2 while you are inside. At this moment i'd like to say that mine appears on your map as a little blue circle, just like a tent. You can use only one mine at the time. So once you can see things inside, you may or may not find any ore or minerals that are usable.
And here are few options again. Use hammer/pickaxe to obtain the resources normally. Use dynamite, nades, plastic in nearest future I hope, to totally destroy it and gain about 30-45 resources, which lays on the floor. Some veins will disappear after few uses also. Now that you destroyed your vein or it just ended, you can go even deeper using the same techniques as while making the entrance. BUT! When using explosives at this level, there's a small chance of the whole mine collapsing. After opening one of few possible tunnels you may find a hole to lower levels. Using science + junk x10 you can create ladder, or just use some rope. Lower levels look pretty much the same, you can find various things down there like:
- deathclaws, deathclaw eggs
- those insects from f2 temple in great numbers, like 40-50 in the whole area
- rare items like uranium ore, golden nugget
- dead miners body with some eq/booze
- toxic pools, gas areas, ultra high radiation
That's how it goes. Now you can hire some npc's from Redding possibly to work for you/guard your mine, you can use slaves as well. Once one of them is in your mine the new dialog option appears and you get profit daily in ore/minerals which are gathered in your cart.
That's not the end, don't go anywhere. There is a new location near Redding, the mine, where new players can earn their first exp and money for gathering ore for npc's from Redding. It's better than brahmin business, you know it's true.
And the last nail to the coffin.
The demolition expert perk ought to affect not only dynamite, which is the only explosive nowadays, but also all kind of grenades, molotovs, and exploding items. Molotovs are fire now, so maybe just nades. Think about it guys, because dynamite nowadays is only used to troll in NCR. Not mentioning it's nerfed as unloved son of a Babylon courtesan. This game would be greater with more natural resources like fruits, grain, more rocks, ores t dig, and some npc area's where you can work for them or just like I mentioned area's you can create, where you can do those things yourself. It's one big step into the roleplay future and not another step into worthless town control and gang pvping. Seriously guys. Your beloved, Nyan.