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Author Topic: Upcoming Traits suggestions  (Read 9128 times)

Upcoming Traits suggestions
« on: April 19, 2011, 06:16:14 pm »

I just read the possible stats for the new Traits, and i want to tell my opinion (i know those are old and may be some are changed)

Bloody Mess Same
Bruiser Gives +4 Strength, -2 AP, Doubles Melee Damage from Str
Chem Reliant All drugs are permanent addictions, time of effect is doubled.
Chem Resistant Suffer no addiction effects, Stims do half effect
Fast Metabolism Doubles En affect on Healing Rate, Drug effects work for half normal time
Fast Shot Gives -1 AP for 1H, -2 AP for 2H, +5 Damage, Can't aim shots
Finesse Same
Good Natured
Heavy Handed All Unarmed attacks cause a knockdown, +5 Final Damage, -20 on the crit table
Jinxed Same
Kamikaze Gives +20 AC, - 5% DR
Night Person -
One Hander Gives +20% to hit 1H, -40% to hit 2H, +5 Final Damage when using 1H
Sex Appeal -
Skilled Same, doesn't affect support perks
Small Frame Same
Bonehead Gives -1 Int, shots effecting you suffer -10 on the critical roll for Head and Eyes
Pig Eyes Gives -1 Pe, +40 AC when your eyes are targetted

One of the problems i see with some traits (news and originals) is the special bonus. In a game in wich you can modify stats it doesn't make much sence.
 If a trait increase a specific Special this will turn in a generic bonus, because you can simply remove the bonus and add to another stat. (same for stats reductions)

So i suggest a rework in those trait:

-Small Frame: +20 AC, -5% DR. I think the kamikaze trait fits better here, youre smaller so harder to hit, but less resistant.
-Pig Eyes: +40 AC when your eyes are targetted, -2 to PE for determining range.
-Bruiser: -10 on the critical roll in legs, arms, torso, groin. +15 on the critical roll in head and eyes. (Think David and Goliath)

For stats bonus i can only think in re-add Gifted, with reduced bonus (+3/4 generic Specials) and same old drawback.
Other drawback option can be reducing the support perks rate by 5 or 6.

Other traits:
-Kamikaze: Doubles melee damage from ST, total AC is halved (this include armor bonus, and any other bonus).
-Nigth Person: I think this trait should stay, but of course with diferent bonus.
Can moddify PE(+1/-1), AP(+1/-1), and may be travel speed(+15%/-15%)
-Good Natured: +1 max follower, +1AP cost for every attack
-Finesse: 30% damage reduction instead of increased target DR

Bonehead can be added as a perk (whithout the -1 In)

"Is it possible for man to conquer his own Karma!? Unless we can find a way to defeat the cycles of time, there is no future for mankind!"
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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 06:44:43 pm »

I think both one handed and fast shot could do with ignoring a % of the target's DR/DT as well. Maybe 15% each. To compensate for this, one hander would give you an 80% penalty with two handed weapons - so you really are forced to just use pistols/smgs.

And fast shot just needs a direct buff.

I think that's the only way you can make one pistoleros viable without just making them more erratic crit builds.
Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 07:05:43 pm »

One Hander is a 1st level perk for 14mm/.223 pistol users. They won't care if it's -40% for 2H weapon or -80% or -300% or -999999999%, noone cares, because they won't use it anyway, because thier ST and PE and skill and perks made for one kind of weapon, if they're planning to use 14mm, they will use 14mm, PE and ST for that weapon, skill for that ammo, if they want to use .223 pistol, then will use .223 pistol with requires ST, PE and skill with ammo.

Small Frame, I hope it's really outdate information, or else most used imba trait will stay again most used imba trait. ^_^

Fast Shot still the same problem in RT, I downloaded SDK just for fun, removed all AP costs, made full AP regeneration in 1 milisecond, and started to shoot people in Den, it was really fun, especially with 2 smgs in both hands, by doing 3 bursts in a row, then changing hand and doing other 3 bursts, it was Quake in 2D. Then when walked from Den to VC I encountered caravan vs raiders, caravan guy started to non-stop shooting raiders, but... because of animation he made only 2 shots and then raiders reached him and poked him to death with spears. Fast Shots = TB perk, will be used for PvE and TB traps.


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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2011, 08:32:37 pm »

Bloody Mess Same
Bruiser Gives +4 Strength, -2 AP, Doubles Melee Damage from Str
Chem Reliant All drugs are permanent addictions, time of effect is doubled.
Chem Resistant Suffer no addiction effects, Stims do half effect
Fast Metabolism Doubles En affect on Healing Rate, Drug effects work for half normal time
Fast Shot - Slightly different damage boost
Finesse - Extra element added
Good Natured - New effects
Heavy Handed All Unarmed attacks cause a knockdown, +2 Final Damage, -20 on the crit table
Jinxed - Same
Kamikaze Gives +20 AC, - 5% DR
Night Person - Now a perk
One Hander Gives +20% to hit 1H, -40% to hit 2H, +5 Final Damage when using 1H
Sex Appeal - Now a perk
Skilled - Same
Small Frame - Same
Bonehead Gives -1 Int, shots effecting you suffer -10 on the critical roll for Head and Eyes
Pig Eyes doesn't exist

A more accurate list
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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2011, 08:45:59 pm »

Heavy handed is a benediction for many unarmed fighter, chem perks are very interesting for loners if they take both, bruiser is now viable trait, fast metabolism worst than useless as long as the basic healing rate is so low (and slow), kamikaze seem a bit OP, one hander clearly fast shot oriented and will probably replace the nerfed living anatomy (though it become now a perk more than a trait: as fast shot for unaimed attacks, if you plan to use only pistols, no malus, though the fast shot builds are far from OP ATM), bonehead is interesting, though maybe the 10% is a bit low (really depend on the crits table).
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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2011, 08:57:50 pm »

Oh, now I got it, so you need to choose 2 1st level perks, I means traits, for your character build, because those:
Small Frame
One Hander
Chem Reliant

have no "penalties" (useless penalties, or avoided penalties (-10 to crit table as 1st level perk is awesome, especially when Small Frame will cover it)), but you can't take them all, so you have to choose only 2 from 4 (3, if you're not one-hander)
+if you're PvE/TB build you may also have Fast Shot ...trait for 2 AP plasma rifle to do 6 plasma shots per turn and then be able to walk 4 hexes behind wall with x2 Bonus Move perks.
+if you're melee/unarmed - Bruiser
+if you're sadistic TB PvE melee/unarmed - Heavy Handed (every punch = -3 AP to enemy, he'll lie on ground forever muahahaha) or may be even it's possible in RT, because punch costs 2 AP (with bonus HtH attacks perk) and knockdown = -3 AP, of couse players will have different quick recoveries or stonewalls, but I said about PvE, bunch of Heavy Handed bluesuiters will kill Enclave patrol, because they will lie on ground all the time, the only problem is deal damage = living anatomy... or powerfist.

Useless traits:
Fast Metabolism, Skilled (right now Skilled trait = crafter of ~3-6 lvl for prof3, player will take Skilled to lvlup his crafter alt less, with new after-wipe perks that adding +x% to repair/science Skilled will be useless), Chem Resistant.
Unknown: Good Natured and Finesse because of lack of information.
Kamikaze is very little trait, 5% = nothing, 20 AC = something sometimes, so it's a trait for x2 Dodger perks to get 10 AG +20+20+20=70 AC + armor = 90 AC max as I know.
Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2011, 09:00:43 pm »

What about only two Tag skills for the Skilled trait? It's drastic, but I think that might make it more popular.
Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2011, 09:22:06 pm »

What about only two Tag skills for the Skilled trait? It's drastic, but I think that might make it more popular.
Then if you/your friends have alot SS, you only need your combat skill and doc, without FA. So it'll be faction trait ;p
More SP because you have SS! But still it's better than crafter-trait which will be useless because of perks that will give more than that trait.
Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2011, 09:29:43 pm »

Then if you/your friends have alot SS, you only need your combat skill and doc, without FA. So it'll be faction trait ;p
More SP because you have SS! But still it's better than crafter-trait which will be useless because of perks that will give more than that trait.

Yeah, that's how I feel about it. I don't like only giving characters two tags, but I can't think of a better solution.
Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2011, 09:34:53 pm »

Yeah, that's how I feel about it. I don't like only giving characters two tags, but I can't think of a better solution.
Half skill requirements for profs but you can take only 1/2 of max prof lvls ^_^
But still it's not a trait, because if you picked it, it means you're going to focus only in one specialization and you don't need other 2 prof lvls, so it'll be "perk" for powerbuilds who won't have enough FA+Doc for prof2 doc, to be able to supply themselves with drugs and SS, but it'll take 1 trait slot, so it's already bad.
So this trait will be used again by crafter alts who will be focused only on 1 prof, while normal crafter could be focused on 2, because of new crafting system where you'll have only 2 lvls max, if it still will stay 4 total prof lvls max.
So it'll be a choice to make universal crafter alts like Weapon+Armor and Drugs+Armor or make separate crafting alts with each prof, but much less time to lvl up to reach skill requirements.
So.. again useless.

reverse Skilled into... Gifted! (not original Gifted)
You're getting perk every 2nd level! So total 10 perks instead of 7.
But you're getting only 1/2 of your skill points per level!
This way you'll make a character who will be able only to shoot, and have imba perks! Or he'll be able to doc himself, but will shoot really bad and prolly will be BG/SG burster to shoot only in point blank!
Gifted will be must-have "trait" for melee/unarmed, because they don't need high combat skills and they will have another 3 anti-crit perks to live a bit longer before someone with minigun burst them on 500 damage!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 09:42:16 pm by RavenousRat »


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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2011, 09:50:18 pm »

fast metabolism worst than useless as long as the basic healing rate is so low (and slow)

It will be different. Much faster ;)

Kamikaze is very little trait, 5% = nothing, 20 AC = something sometimes, so it's a trait for x2 Dodger perks to get 10 AG +20+20+20=70 AC + armor = 90 AC max as I know.

Dodging will work slightly differently, possible to get more than 90 AC.

with new after-wipe perks that adding +x% to repair/science Skilled will be useless

These don't exist

of couse players will have different quick recoveries or stonewalls, but I said about PvE, bunch of Heavy Handed bluesuiters will kill Enclave

Its safe to assume Enclave will be pretty well perked up too ;)

So it'll be a choice to make universal crafter alts like Weapon+Armor and Drugs+Armor or make separate crafting alts with each prof

Hopefully its worthwhile putting more points around different skills, so having more skill points will be worth it (more skills are effective at lower levels)
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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2011, 10:18:21 pm »

possible to get more than 90 AC.
Bonehead Gives -1 Int, shots effecting you suffer -10 on the critical roll for Head and Eyes

I dont know what to think

Snipers will greatly need to reduce his distance against very high AC, even 300% wont be enough
300%. 10P at 40 hexes means 204% to hiy the body, hit at the eyes 144%. if its posible to have more than 90AC snipers will not be snipers anymore
144-90=54%  :)
(tough no one sniper will use 10P, and there arent to shots at 40Hex also there is the armor AC )
PKsnipers will be highly fucked off by other builts, and EW Criplers will be impossible (one part of me thinks, why not to remove EW?, why not eat my heart?)

And with all of those new Critical builts

Anti Crit
Quick Recovery 3 AG 6 Effects of Knockout/down/lost turn are reduced to 1/3rd 1
Stonewall 6 ST 6 En Roll to ignore knockout, En-5 roll to ignore knockdown 1
Iron Grip 9 ST 6 En Roll to ignore Arm Cripple, En-5 roll to ignore Weapon Drop 1
Man of Steel 12 En 6 + Str 6 Gives -10 on the critical table to hits targetting you 1

More Critical 3 LK 4 +5% to Critical Chance 1
Even More Critical 6 LK 6 Gives +10% to Critical Chance 1
Sharpshooter 9 PE 6, IN 6 +2 to PE for determining range 1
Better Criticals 12 PE 6, LK 6 +20% on critical hit table 1

(tough they probably are really up to date)
any normal critical built will works with only 4Luck, and without any penalization (they shot to the body not to the eyes)

Also non combative builts will have advantages,
Thiefs with a really high AC will never be shoted down
Same with Suicide Bombers

« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 10:40:21 pm by Reiniat »
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2011, 10:29:18 pm »

I agree with one hander has no real penalty, is the same as the old fast shoot.  May be increase the reload weapon cost by 1-2 AP.
Not very significative drawback but at least a real drawback (unless you play with not energy unarmed or melee weapons)

Buiser has no penalties if you make a melee char with 8 starting AP. cause you can put those 4 St points in AG.

For the reversed skilled into Gifted, i dont know. i think max lvl will be changed to 24, so this trait will give 12 perks against 7.
To make it balanced can give a extra perk every 8 lvls (only 3 extra perks)
Also, no other trait is the inversed version of an existing trait

If nigth person and sex appeal are perks now, and pig eyes doesn't exist. it will be only 15 Traits?

I think Traits Should have unique bonus and unique drawbacks, another reason to hate those +/- Special bonus.

possible to get more than 90 AC.
Bonehead Gives -1 Int, shots effecting you suffer -10 on the critical roll for Head and Eyes
Pig Eyes Gives -1 Pe, +40 AC when your eyes are targetted

I dont know what to think
Pig Eyes doesn't exist
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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2011, 10:54:44 pm »

I missed that Kamikaze will actually be both double its positive and negative = +40AC -10% DR

Snipers will greatly need to reduce his distance against very high AC, even 300% wont be enough
300%. 10P at 40 hexes means 204% to hiy the body, hit at the eyes 144%. if its posible to have more than 90AC snipers will not be snipers anymore

40 hexes, 10 Pe, 90 AC needs about 260% skill to hit in the eyes. I really wouldn't expect to be regularly hitting dodgers from max range into the eyes though :P

Buiser has no penalties if you make a melee char with 8 starting AP. cause you can put those 4 St points in AG.

Sure, it equals out. Then again by doing that you've gained a small benefit (doubling only the extra melee you get from Str (likely to be +5) and you are forced into having a max 8AP normal char.

If nigth person and sex appeal are perks now, and pig eyes doesn't exist. it will be only 15 Traits?

No, there's another.

I think Traits Should have unique bonus and unique drawbacks, another reason to hate those +/- Special bonus.

They all do. For example a fast shotter may never aim, compared to a normal character this is a disadvantage and it defines the character and how it will play (a trait).
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Re: Upcoming Traits suggestions
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2011, 11:05:42 pm »

They all do. For example a fast shotter may never aim, compared to a normal character this is a disadvantage and it defines the character and how it will play (a trait).

you are very wrong in here man. Those who have 1 luck for example, those never aim. So for those it is not an disadvantage, and you took it personal for big gunners only, who has 6 luck mostly. :<
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