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What do you think about em?

Mercenaries are an AWESOME feature.
Mercenaries are a pretty cool feature.
I don't like mercenaries really...
Mercenaries can all go suck a brahmin tit.

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Author Topic: The Mercenary Thread!  (Read 5314 times)

Re: The Mercenary Thread!
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2011, 12:04:44 am »

Playing with sneak or mercenaries leader could be fun. And must be fun.

The problem is, and remains the same.
Big gang quickly using lvl1 proxy to buy them, with caps, that others don't have, for any kind of purposes.
(this could be arguable, but i think this is the only blame we can find about them)

We should forbid proxies, or let everyone dual log. (no proxy)
Make level merc leader, to be able to control mercenaries. (no lvl1)*
Make level mercenaries to be able to fight with them. (no instant overpowering)**
Make mercenaries aquirable by various way, or be cheap (no caps abuse)

So the player who play a merc leader would be someone who actually love to PLAY with them, as followers, not grid camper or mine abusers.

Personnally, i have some mercenaries leader that i like to play.
I don't want mercenaries to be removed or underpowered because of some abuse that can be avoided without so extreme measures.

I don't want to see only two kind of players... (sniper crit, bg rocket)

As for the PVP/PVE debate, i think both sides must be equal. (the balance is already on PVP side)

Mercenaries can be only bough with 5 Magnetic perks.(one by perk with charisma requirement at each level)*
Make them start with same hp combat skills than a level 1 player, makes them very good at level 21 (no respawn)**
« Last Edit: May 09, 2011, 12:20:04 am by naossano »
Re: The Mercenary Thread!
« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2011, 01:36:05 am »

Are we ever going to get Follower-boosting perks/traits? Like bonus damage resistance for them, etc.? I think I've finally found a use for sex appeal.


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Re: The Mercenary Thread!
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2011, 02:01:58 am »

Are we ever going to get Follower-boosting perks/traits? Like bonus damage resistance for them, etc.? I think I've finally found a use for sex appeal.
Oh... my... god...  :)
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: The Mercenary Thread!
« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2011, 07:52:45 am »

Make mercenaries aquirable by various way, or be cheap (no caps abuse)

So the player who play a merc leader would be someone who actually love to PLAY with them, as followers, not grid camper or mine abusers.
+1, good one.

In f2 you had no mercs, you had friends. you`ve done something to them so they decided to follow you.
It was nice.
Re: The Mercenary Thread!
« Reply #49 on: May 09, 2011, 11:19:58 am »

In f2 you had no mercs, you had friends. you`ve done something to them so they decided to follow you.
It was nice.

That's how I've always felt about it.

Once we've got levellable+respawnable F2 style companions, I think we'd be better off getting rid of mercs. If you want to have NPC backup, it should be a workable, long term goal. It creates new gameplay challenges and things for players to aim for. I don't like the thought of someone just dropping 200k caps onto their merc alt and having an instant 5 man army (or 2 man in the new post wipe system).


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Re: The Mercenary Thread!
« Reply #50 on: May 09, 2011, 06:38:56 pm »

I don't want any NPC following me at all. And if I could chose I'd love to see no NPCs fighting me in 'PvP' either.
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