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Author Topic: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.  (Read 10829 times)


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Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« on: April 06, 2011, 11:40:46 pm »

Ok so I was just checking stuff out in my tent and next thing I know I am in this prison tripping balls having NO IDEA what is going on and I can't leave, Then this dude comes out of nowhere and says I'm in here for having an Offensive Name (my name was "Fuck Russia") I dont actually hate russians or have anything against them I just thought it was a funny taunting name ;)

So the guy tells me to change my name or make a new character and when I asked if he was a GM he just said "Nope just some guy passing through" and he vanished. Well now what?, I'm trapped in here, I have no problem deleting my character but there is no option to do that, I can't change my name either as much as I would like to.

Also Making a new character isnt an option the game has a glitch where you cant sign out if you are indoors or something, When I try and sign in my new account it just says "wait 10 minutes" after 30 mins of waiting I had a shower and ate and it still says that, I looked it up on google and thats where I learned the glitch that you wont actually sign out if you are indoors so you need to go to world map or outside or something, Which I can't do because I'm trapped.

I would reinstall the game but honestly I cant see how that would change anything, Same account, Same Computer.

What do I do? I just started playing this game lastnight and I really love it now I'm trapped.

Pic related, my prison.

Peace And Love.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2011, 11:43:33 pm »

~deleteself (password)

Type that in, although, i don't think it'll make a difference, your in "Prison" which means you can't log out.  And if you can't log out, you can't delete your character.  so...
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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 11:55:04 pm »

~deleteself (password)

Type that in, although, i don't think it'll make a difference, your in "Prison" which means you can't log out.  And if you can't log out, you can't delete your character.  so...

I can't see any way to do this unless a person can delete my character from the servers, I need to contact a GM or something.

... that guy who came in my cell I'm pretty much just standing and waiting for him to show up again. I think he was a ghost. Even if someone kills me that would work (This game really needs an option to suicide)
Peace And Love.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2011, 12:26:39 am »

~deleteself (password)
Wait some minutes
*ding* your char is deleted.

~requesthelp (Describe what you need from GM)
Wait some Seconds(?)(Didnt i said it, Izual?)
(Need lvl2+)
That guy that was there is an GM or an Dev, Rusty, Gatling, Lexx, Nexxus, ...

Fuck Russia... Why?
I remember 1 Forummember named "Izual Su***"
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2011, 12:41:17 am »

Fuck Russia... Why?

I heard there were many large tough ruskies who don't take kindly to newbies. So I went with the high road and chose an offensive name to taunt them with while I run away from many laser shots. I had no idea I would be jailed for having such a name.

I did the delete character thing but no dice, I am still alive and in jail. Gonna try talking to a GM.

EDIT: There is no GM online at the moment please try again at a later time

*Sigh, I regret taunting russians now.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 01:09:03 am by pawns4mons »
Peace And Love.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2011, 01:18:27 am »

I see no where in rules specifically going agianst such a name but then again... what a silly name.  :P


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2011, 01:23:29 am »

Maybe some GM/dev got butthurt. You should post the picture of you in prison with your nickname visible and write "U mad GM?" underneath.
I saw your post, I had to LOL really hard. Hilarious.  8) Too bad they removed it, don't know why, it was not offensive to anyone.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2011, 01:24:47 am »

Ugh, how I hate jailings and bans like this.  I personally see no problem with a name like "Fuck Russia" as opposed to "IFuckYerMum" or "BabyRapist".  but really, something like Fuck Russia...?  Come on, it's obviously just a joke if he's playing normally and not just sitting around ncr with a dick for a nose.
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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2011, 01:41:57 am »

Just to clarify I was not trolling or anything I played since all of last night and all day today, I managed to get a tent and when I was putting things in my stash I alt tabbed to check on something then I came back in jail!, I was doing nothing wrong and I had no idea it was against the rules to have offensive names

I understand it was not the best choice in a name, I thought it was pretty funny myself, I think I am obviously not being seriously racist. Just a cocky taunting prick :D ... which I thought was encouraged.

Does anyone know if reinstalling the game will do anything?, I'm willing to try anything at this point, I was planning to play this game straight for the next few months with my friends they are all level 3 now and I am stuck and need to start from rags again :(


I think this is the only game that simulates prison life near perfectly... There is a rat in the sink and I am expecting sodomy soon. I also feel helpless and bored. Here is my one man screen play.

« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 01:58:50 am by pawns4mons »
Peace And Love.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2011, 02:02:41 am »

Your nickname is "Fuck Russia" and you wonder why you are jailed? One of the better posts today.

Enjoy roleplaying a captive forever.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2011, 02:18:08 am »

Well I talked to a friendly GM he pretty much told me I am SOL so I guess I have to beg to play now.. which sucks I didn't even know I broke any rules but I would apologize, change my name, kill myself, do unthinkable acts of the sexual origin with my russian overlords wearing a blonde wig.. Anything, but I simply Cannot.

Well I hope I can continue playing. Until then I am sorry for the name I did not mean to offend anyone.
Peace And Love.
Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2011, 05:15:01 am »

Correct me if i'm wrong, but why cant you just make a new character and leave the old one to rot there for now and play the new one?



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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2011, 05:35:38 am »

I think I am obviously not being seriously racist.[/img]
FGS' it's 2249 A.D. and people still can't understand that
nationality =/= race
I saw your post, I had to LOL really hard. Hilarious.  8) Too bad they removed it, don't know why, it was not offensive to anyone.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2011, 06:13:04 am »

Correct me if i'm wrong, but why cant you just make a new character and leave the old one to rot there for now and play the new one?


"Minimum time from one computer to one account is 10 minutes"

And it has been saying that since 3pm, It's now 10pm.

I looked it up on google and It's because if you are indoors places like bunkers or the prison then you can't sign out for some reason and it keeps you logged in even if you signed out. So I can't really do anything.

And to lehytek, I'm Canadian man. There is no such thing as "racism" here. We don't hide behind hate crime laws, if you insult someone you better be obviously joking or prepare to get your ass kicked. I would have much rather been shot up, looted and spit on by the guy who jailed me, I would have apologized in blue text even.
Peace And Love.


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Re: Help I think I broke the game. I'm trapped.
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2011, 10:40:27 am »

anyway, reinstall doesnt help anything. I heard about that these "10 minutes" are some hours. But why doesnt the ~deleteself work? What does it says?
I used to be a bag of dicks, but then I grew up. I gave many of you guys a hard time, but on the other side I kept myself busy with helping players, and I never gave up on that.

Still, the FOnline community is a thing of it's own class.
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