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how many fonline people believes in church

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--- Quote from: Sius on April 12, 2011, 01:31:49 am ---Simply my point is that only thing that differs us from animals right now is a fear of punishment.

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We only differ from the rest of the animal kingdom in our rational way of think.

--- Quote from: Sius on April 12, 2011, 01:31:49 am ---Simply we would get back to natural selection that mankind seems to avoid quiet successfully these days (which is imho the main source of our doom=overpopulation). We've reached such absurd point that even those who don't want to be anymore (now I mean f.e. extreme cases of paralysis, when man becomes trapped inside his body and absolutely dependent on others) are kept alive no matter what.

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I agree. We are getting weaker and weaker, while confort kill us, as our lives pass.

--- Quote from: Sius on April 12, 2011, 01:31:49 am ---We consider our lives as something precious, something more, yet we slaughter endless numbers of animals every day with no remorse - arguing, that they are just mindless animals with no souls. But we were at the exactly same point in our evolution as they are now in theirs.

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We are the same as the rest. I think no soul there for any animal, nor vegetal...

--- Quote from: Sius on April 12, 2011, 01:31:49 am ---At the point that we were HOMO-something we were literary just another animals on the surface of the planet. So by this logic if some more intelligent race came back then and started to breed us for meat, skin or labor, then it would have been ok right? We were just mindless animals with no souls therefore the life of the member of that "upper" race is worth more than life of the animal(=man).

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We STILL are Homos, Homo-Sapiens. And the reason why Cromagnon prevails over Neanderthal is SOCIABILTY, the Cromagnon used to hunt in groups, use dogs to help the job. They used to save their supplies too, meanwhile Neanderthals were living the present, without expecting the possible lack of food in the future. This despite Neanderthals more big craneal capacity, ignoring the surface of his brain, being compared to the one of the Cromagnon.

Another thing that let us develop our brain greatly, is the creativity of our ancestors, and the people who continue doing art, the way it may be expressed. And there we have all religions, as a product of the creativity and desire to rule of the human being.


--- Quote from: Sius on April 12, 2011, 01:31:49 am ---And I agree with someone who mentioned it before, that man is just another animal driven by instincts. No matter how high our IQ may go, no matter how noble we may get, no matter whenever we have souls or not, we are just animals as any other.

Just search for another topic here in offtop section, it was something like "what would you do if the world is about to end". And I would say majority of people there let their "inner beast" out and wrote down the truth or at least part of it. Simply my point is that only thing that differs us from animals right now is a fear of punishment. Remove that from equation and you will be amazed what would our precious little society here on Earth turned out to be. Only strong will survive. Also with our numerous gadgets it would be a little more complex than fistfights but strong does not discriminate between muscles or mind. Simply we would get back to natural selection that mankind seems to avoid quiet successfully these days (which is imho the main source of our doom=overpopulation). We've reached such absurd point that even those who don't want to be anymore (now I mean f.e. extreme cases of paralysis, when man becomes trapped inside his body and absolutely dependent on others) are kept alive no matter what.

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Yes, but we ourselves created this "fear of punishment" or "system of rules". Animals can't grasp that. If something were to go wrong like a nuclear war or something, and human advancement is pushed back, it is still in our nature to progress and form societies.

But I agree that overpopulation will become a major problem as the earth reaches 10 billion by like 2050 or 2100, whatever the estimate is.


--- Quote from: cogliostro on April 12, 2011, 01:53:40 am ---We only differ from the rest of the animal kingdom in our rational way of think.

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You did not get me. My point is that most of us, no matter how noble mankind could be, would not hesitate when it comes to "natural selection scenario". Those who would hesitate => would be weak => would have to pass the right to live to stronger ones.

--- Quote from: cogliostro on April 12, 2011, 01:53:40 am ---We STILL are Homos, Homo-Sapiens. And the reason why Cromagnon prevails over Neanderthal is SOCIABILTY, the Cromagnon used to hunt in groups, use dogs to help the job. They used to save their supplies too, meanwhile Neanderthals were living the present, without expecting the possible lack of food in the future. This despite Neanderthals more big craneal capacity, ignoring the surface of his brain, being compared to the one of the Cromagnon.

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I know that we are Homo sapiens, but again you did not get it. I meant that by our own logic if we could timetravel and bring back our prehistoric ancestors and then as said breed them for meat/skin/labor, then it should be completely ok with everyone (except vegetarians/vegans). Because where is the crime? Its just an animal, so what? What difference does it make whenever it is sociable or not? Killer-whales are capable of sociability, such as many other animals. Yet do you see us trying to save every single one of them even those crippled ones? Does whole families dedicate their lives to feed crippled animals, that won't be able to live on their own ever again?

Through seeing ourselves as something more, something with soul, something created by god to his own image we have set out a journey on deadly path.

--- Quote from: cogliostro on April 12, 2011, 01:53:40 am ---We only differ from the rest of the animal kingdom in our rational way of think.

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Which will ultimately be not just ours but their doom too.

--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on April 12, 2011, 02:17:11 am ---Yes, but we ourselves created this "fear of punishment" or "system of rules". Animals can't grasp that. If something were to go wrong like a nuclear war or something, and human advancement is pushed back, it is still in our nature to progress and form societies.

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Just because one species happened to choose the right time between meteor showers and had good conditions to develop uninterrupted does not make them superior to others. Where could dolphins be in a quadrizilion years from now? They could rule the galaxy as far as I'm concerned.

I would call mankind being advanced in progress/thinking just a lucky coincidence.

So long and thanks for all the fish


--- Quote from: Solar on April 11, 2011, 10:58:18 pm ---Was the big bang a collision of branes along the 11th dimension? Are we holographic projections from the edge of the universe? Does a photon travel along EVERY path avaialble to it until its observed, at which point the history of that photon is decided and the history of the universe changes (Which can mean you can effect things which happened 13 billion years ago)

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String theory is not even properly normalizable yet, let alone using de Sitter space to explain the origins of the universe. ::) Photons travel along the path of least action (both classically and quantum mechanically), what does their path traveled have to do with them being observed?

A lot of people, more so evident in atheists, is their belief about the superiority of science when it comes to the metaphysical. From my point of view this is amusing considering science still has trouble to explain the physical.  :P

Science is much like religion more than you would like to believe. Scientists are hostile to new ideas if they go against very established principles and a lot of theory is very hard to show wrong (you can get correct results and have the wrong theory  :-\), much like it is very hard to show the existence of god as wrong.


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