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how many fonline people believes in church

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--- Quote from: Floodnik on April 11, 2011, 11:22:53 pm ---I'd rather say He is everywhere, flowing through the universe, through us.

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Remind me of Obi Wan Kenobi.


--- Quote ---Christians' beliefs don't collide with science. Actually, these two are pretty much filling eachother up.
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There are tests being done on fundamental beliefs? People are willing to accept that God does not exist until there is evidence found for him? No.

Religion is completely illogical, it does not accept tests and does not accept the fact it may be total nonsense. The are in no way complimentary.

Religion is a lot more closely linked to a fantasy novel.

--- Quote ---I don't perceive Him that way. I'd rather say He is everywhere, flowing through the universe, through us.
Try to first understand the concept of God, then argue.
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The advantage of being made up is that you can be different things to different people. Its why Lord of the Rings being made into a film was a double edged sword - now I can't imagine Sauron or Frodo in any way which is not coloured by the film. I guess you are lucky in that way, noone has done the definitive version of god to ruin your story.

--- Quote ---Also, you keep using Science as an argument. To develop something, a man first had to come up with an idea. Then he proves others that it's correct.
If you can't reach out for Him, think of Him as an idea that wasn't yet proven nor disproven. Just like Science, huh?
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Correct. He is a hypothesis. There is just no evidence to back it up after much searching, so its a failed hypothesis.

--- Quote ---Some day you're gonna step on evidences. The thing you do wrong is assuming in advance that He doesn't exist
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Haha, let's get passed 2012 and the end of the Mayan calander. One crack pot theory at a time please.

--- Quote ---You are criticising it, but you're acting exactly the same way.
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Untrue. I accept that even the best model we have is probably an approximation. I accept that even the most fundamental theory has the potential to be totally wrong. I even accept there is a remote chance that Lion-O and god are playing Poker in Valhalla as I type this.

All just a matter of proof.


--- Quote from: Solar on April 11, 2011, 10:58:18 pm ---Total nonsense.

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Yes, you're right in the sense that Scientific theories come a lot closer to "the beginning" than any religion does.

I don't even really care for the book of Genesis, but my point was that even if you try to trace the beginning, neither side can give you an exact answer. Science can get a really close answer, but still isn't the exact beginning. I don't think the exact beginning will ever be found, because it seems to be infinite.

But I don't know much about the 11th dimension, so I can't debate with you about that, sorry.  :-[


--- Quote from: Solar on April 11, 2011, 10:58:18 pm ---The beauty of Science is that it isn't a closed book that claims to have the answers, it says "This is our best understanding of our reality, use evidence to prove it wrong". The exact opposite of religion which says "This is exactly what happened, please ignore the fact we've got absolutely nothing to back this up". 

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I must agree. Fact to blame religion blindly, while not to science, that let us learn if from our mistakes it's necessary.


--- Quote ---At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.
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And I agree with someone who mentioned it before, that man is just another animal driven by instincts. No matter how high our IQ may go, no matter how noble we may get, no matter whenever we have souls or not, we are just animals as any other.

Just search for another topic here in offtop section, it was something like "what would you do if the world is about to end". And I would say majority of people there let their "inner beast" out and wrote down the truth or at least part of it. Simply my point is that only thing that differs us from animals right now is a fear of punishment. Remove that from equation and you will be amazed what would our precious little society here on Earth turned out to be. Only strong will survive. Also with our numerous gadgets it would be a little more complex than fistfights but strong does not discriminate between muscles or mind. Simply we would get back to natural selection that mankind seems to avoid quiet successfully these days (which is imho the main source of our doom=overpopulation). We've reached such absurd point that even those who don't want to be anymore (now I mean f.e. extreme cases of paralysis, when man becomes trapped inside his body and absolutely dependent on others) are kept alive no matter what.

We consider our lives as something precious, something more, yet we slaughter endless numbers of animals every day with no remorse - arguing, that they are just mindless animals with no souls. But we were at the exactly same point in our evolution as they are now in theirs. At the point that we were HOMO-something we were literary just another animals on the surface of the planet. So by this logic if some more intelligent race came back then and started to breed us for meat, skin or labor, then it would have been ok right? We were just mindless animals with no souls therefore the life of the member of that "upper" race is worth more than life of the animal(=man).

To get back to topic about religion, then my general opinion is that most (if not all) religion were made as a tool to control masses. Make them obey, make them fear, make them pay... And in modern times like these religion is slowly passing this role onto media.

And to somehow end this brainstorm of mine, I'll leave you with something to think about:

--- Quote ---Is God able to create object so heavy that he won't be able to lift it?
- If yes, then he is not almighty.
- If no, then he is not omnipotent.
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