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how many fonline people believes in church
--- Quote from: Floodnik on April 11, 2011, 09:50:11 pm ---I believe God is the Almighty One, there is nothing more powerful than Him. If you want to believe in Super-God or something else, then do. My faith is (fine) as it is.
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Still God needs someone to pay to keep our world running, or else it'll be closed. He gaining donations from humans, may be he can even do that with flames, trolling and whining! Depends on whom he pays.
now, if we can focus on our goal of creating some new bodyes that can wistand our full potential we will resolve all this questions on no time, but i figure a few problems
in the first Dracula movie(i didn't saw it) the main Hero(or Vilan) had made a pact with the devil: to take away all his emotions, but make him imortal, if we try to do something like:USB in our brain to a computer, we will not have a lot of emotion, moast of our emotions are biological coming from glands(idk if i am right, but in theory if someone does not have over renales(idk name, the glands that give adrenaline) we will not experience, or we will only expirience fear(not sure)but anyway, there is a strong relation emotion-glands. so if we USB our brain we will be like Dracula, we need something to reproduce the influence of the glandes and other organs
about last post, i am not veary sure, but if some of you works in medicine or something can it confirm or diaorove, please
Slaver Snipe:
I'm curious whether i am the only one who is laughing at all of lagmaster's posts
--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on April 11, 2011, 09:54:02 pm ---From a religious view point or a scientific view point, it doens't make any sense.
I mean, no matter how you look at it:
- If we both agree Big Bang is true, then what caused Big Bang? What created the matter to let whatever caused the Big Bang happen?
- And then what you said, about what created god. What created God? If a person says "God has been around for all time", then what created 4th Dimension? etc, etc.
Doesn't make sense either way - an infinite cycle, really.
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Total nonsense.
Science is gradually testing and developing theories to model the universe. We already know things about the universe that are a lot more "unbelievable" than the fairy tales in religious texts - but we know them to be true because we have tested them, refined the theories and gradually come to better understand what we see. Nothing is sacred in Science, so anything can be proven wrong and humankinds understanding can increase.
We know that time is affected by how fast we travel - to someone from the time where religion belongs (pre scientific method) this fact would be a lot less believable than a magic man in the sky creating everything we know.
Was the big bang a collision of branes along the 11th dimension? Are we holographic projections from the edge of the universe? Does a photon travel along EVERY path avaialble to it until its observed, at which point the history of that photon is decided and the history of the universe changes (Which can mean you can effect things which happened 13 billion years ago)?
All sound totally unbelievable - all have varying degrees of evidence supporting them as fact.
The beauty of Science is that it isn't a closed book that claims to have the answers, it says "This is our best understanding of our reality, use evidence to prove it wrong". The exact opposite of religion which says "This is exactly what happened, please ignore the fact we've got absolutly nothing to back this up".
Christians' beliefs don't collide with science. Actually, these two are pretty much filling eachother up.
--- Quote from: Solar on April 11, 2011, 10:58:18 pm ---magic man in the sky creating everything we know
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I don't perceive Him that way. I'd rather say He is everywhere, flowing through the universe, through us.
Try to first understand the concept of God, then argue.
Also, you keep using Science as an argument. To develop something, a man first had to come up with an idea. Then he proves others that it's correct.
If you can't reach out for Him, think of Him as an idea that wasn't yet proven nor disproven. Just like Science, huh?
Some day you're gonna step on evidences. The thing you do wrong is assuming in advance that He doesn't exist*. But you can't know that.
*Just like mediaval christianity did with other scientific ideas :) You are criticising it, but you're acting exactly the same way.
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