Other > Closed suggestions
Maximum level 41
Reasoning that characters are too powerful, based on premise that turn-based combat doesn't work too well in an MMO game, is kinda missing the fucking point. But anyway...
I would like to see a little more flexibility in character development. Currently, choises are too narrow. Skills and perks are unbalanced. Some are much more useful than the others and it won't change any time soon, if ever. That's why some will always take precedence, leaving very little or no space for those less important, unless you intend to play a pure RP character in a pure RP fashion.
While I agree that level 40 characters with 500 HP are too much, I still think we should consider increasing level cap a little bit. Why not something like this:
* Max level increased to 28.
* This gives 2 extra perks for both Skilled and non-Skilled characters. Strong Back anyone?
* HP increase after level 21 divided by 3, rounding up (to help weaker chars). This gives extra 35 HP (10 EN, 2xLG). Weaker char (6 EN, 1xLG) gets extra 21 HP. Overall, it won't make a difference.
* Extra 210 SP for a top 10 IN + Skilled character. 210 means as much as increasing an untagged skill from ~30 to ~150, or a tagged skill from ~40 to ~220. Is it that much? I don't think so, considering that 10 IN + Skilled is already a big tradeoff. A 6 IN character would get extra 119 SP. This means increasing a skill to ~125 or ~180 respectively. Come on... Most skills start to be useful at 120+ level. This little more versatility won't kill this game, I am sure of it.
* Getting those extra 7 levels would require getting extra 83% XP. Might be good or bad, depending on what one likes.
I'm not a person who enjoys playing mupltiple chars. Knowing that I can plan, and slowly create a build that in the end will satisfy me, a build that allows some convenience and roleplaying plausibility while not being terrible in PvP, would make me happy, even if it was to take me two months to reach that top level.
That was ONE of the arguments.
Its Fallout, not just some MMO. And one of those things that must stay in every real Fallout game is TB :)
Anyways - the biggest problem is - now you want f.e. 7 more levels, after you make few chars like this, you gonna ask for more levels, since the game would be boring again. Rising lvl cap aint any solvation for players which are bored with the game. IMO we should think about something else, since the chars on 21 lvl already have shitloads of HP, skills etc (even weak 21lvl char can take few bullets without worrying about it).
ok stop that nonsense... lvl 41 is bad .... Topic Closed
If it is so obvious, how come that the topic was even started? As much as i dont agree with that idea, I think that those guys have right to write about their ideas. And as long as its not a flame-topic, there might be some good ideas out of it.
--- Quote from: JovankaB on February 04, 2010, 09:44:01 am ---If you find obvious bug/exploit to level up a character to 21 lvl in one day you should report it to GM.
--- End quote ---
Because that's going to happen.
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