Other > Closed suggestions

Maximum level 41

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I'd say, after a certain level, XP should be more difficult to gain.
But that would mean, even centaurs would be outclassed. We need new, powerful or smarter critters. Like Enclave getting the idea of leveling up and actually using strategies, like flanking.
Even more nightmarish creatures, like Gehennas and Molachs from the east.
Gangs with CAs and plasma weapons, cyborg cousins of Frank, insane military robots,  militant technophiles, splinter Enclave groups, mutant factions...


--- Quote from: Alvarez on January 31, 2010, 02:45:05 pm ---But that would mean, even centaurs would be outclassed. We need new, powerful or smarter critters. Like Enclave getting the idea of leveling up and actually using strategies, like flanking.
--- End quote ---

Lol even the top singleplayer games have difficulties in creating smart ais. That's why the ai has always some passive advantage to compensate its stupidity.


--- Quote from: avv on January 31, 2010, 03:00:28 pm ---Lol even the top singleplayer games have difficulties in creating smart ais. That's why the ai has always some passive advantage to compensate its stupidity.

--- End quote ---

Okay, every single soldier would blindly charge in range and fire. But supposing you're spawned between two groups of Enclave soldiers, it's already simple flanking.
Scripted formations and equipment/critter type would be the only alternative to lack of AI.
But it would challenge the player for a quite long time.

Level 41? That's probably the most ridicoulous suggestion I've seen here.

Just one comment. This:

--- Quote ---1 sp for 1 - 100
2 sp   100 - 125
3 sp   125 - 150
4 sp   150 - 175
5 sp   175 - 200
6 sp   200 - 225
7 sp   250 - 275
8 sp   275 - 300

--- End quote ---

is, in fact:
1 sp for 1 - 100
2 sp   101 - 125
3 sp   126 - 150
4 sp   151 - 175
5 sp   176 - 200
6 sp   201 - 299


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