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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.  (Read 6246 times)

Doctor Eex

  • TEE Hive Father
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Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« on: March 18, 2011, 10:32:18 am »

Here is my idea (inspired by TLA Barter Ground)

1) To make a location near the Hub OR (which is better) in the Hub, as it a Trading center and to get more activity in southern cities

2) No NPC traders in it. This is only for Player to Player trading.

3) Perfectly Heavy guarded - let's say hub police with help of BS (they interested in developing economy). Or Far GO Traders?

4) All security guards with different AI then regular town. If you get killed with stuff by burster or whatever, they loot you and don't let anyone to do it instead.
"Keep Doctor Eex's stuff on the ground or get shot!!!!!" Then when you return to this location after respawn, you can go to "Lost and Found" NPC and ask him to get your stuff back via dialogue. Or you can ask to give this stuff to player that you name to this NPC. " Please give this stuff to ГорбатаяГора when he arrives" This will also help to safe move stuff between alts if you don't have base. This NPC may also take stuff for safe storage.

5)The area is surrounded by fence. To get in the market, you must pay a fee - 100 or 500 $ - discuss-able.

6)Thieves get massive drop to guarding faction rep if fail.
Lets say - 1-3 fails We warn you! We don't need such bastards here!
4-6 fails They shoot thief after fail We warned you! Next time you will be shot at sight!!!
after 6 fails You are not allowed to be here! Face the consequences!!!

7) Bombing. If you pass the gate with activated dynamite or activate it after passed the gate - get shot by guards No terrorists here!!!
However you can sell or buy dynamite here.

This suggestion can make real alive players market with safe trade. And bombing, thievery, bursting still can be applied to areas where NPC trades.
This will stimulate player to player without forums and whatever. It is better to have player to player trade, yes??? May be it will help against alting?
And good place to RP peaceful crafter, repairman, trader, doctor.
FLC terminal, connected to Hub or NCR account could be cool too.

And here you can sell your precious Ranger Armor for 1 million caps. Or make alive auction.
Wasteland should be definitely harsh, but 1 safe place for 1 purpose - player interaction would be cool feature.

Dear developers, first of all I'm interested in your opinion. Thank you in advance.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 10:50:32 am by Doctor Eex »


  • Ninja-Nurse
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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2011, 11:04:41 am »

But the problem is... in the end we... what I'm trying to say... em, no...

I like it, can  we have one in VC and/or San Fran? :D

Doctor Eex

  • TEE Hive Father
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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2011, 11:09:15 am »

But the problem is... in the end we... what I'm trying to say... em, no...
What's the problem? Don't get it...

I like it, can  we have one in VC and/or San Fran? :D

I think location is subject to discuss... 1 is enough if we want to have good amount of players in it.
First of all we need to understand, does people need such location or still wants to have PtP trade pain in the ass and use alts to craft stuff instead.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2011, 11:18:23 am »

Or you know the community could just not be douches to each other.

Wasteland is harsh dont need secure trade just need bluesuit fixes and a better etiquette.


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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2011, 11:25:04 am »

This game needs something fresh... 
but I'm not talking about 3D.

Doctor Eex

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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2011, 11:44:48 am »

Or you know the community could just not be douches to each other.
Wasteland is harsh don't need secure trade just need bluesuit fixes and a better etiquette.
Impossible to implement  ;D

secure trade
Possible to implement

Honestly, in real post-apo people should be more harsh than that NCR assholes and so-named PK. At least some part of them...

But our FO wastelanders want to trade safe, that's why they will pay for security... Am I wrong?


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 11:45:16 am »

nah i dont like the suggestion, players can trade on worldmap perfectly safe, so i find the suggestion useless.

Doctor Eex

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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2011, 11:47:25 am »

nah i dont like the suggestion, players can trade on worldmap perfectly safe, so i find the suggestion useless.
Sound like: wtf, players can craft all the shit with alts or farm in encounters.
Yes, they can. But!

I'm talking! About ! Alive! Player's market! Not about hiding in tents or hanging on global.


  • King of the wasteland
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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2011, 11:52:17 am »

well you see someone in town shouting buying mentats, you come to him barter for the price, then you bring mentats, then you both go to world map, then you trade, whats no alive? Arent players trading between each other? Sorry bro, but your suggestion would just give devs more work without giving any new continent or possibilities.

Doctor Eex

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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 11:59:31 am »

well you see someone in town shouting buying mentats, you come to him barter for the price, then you bring mentats, then you both go to world map, then you trade, whats no alive? Arent players trading between each other? Sorry bro, but your suggestion would just give devs more work without giving any new continent or possibilities.
That kinda unhealthy habit.

95% this guy does not have any mentats with him. Or otherwise, he will be stealed, bursted, shitted on head and called noob.
When you decided finally to trade, you go to bank for money or to tent for plasma pistol or whatever, he goes to tent for ments, then you go together to worldmap. Does it looks have any sense role-play wise? No. And by the way, you can be bursted anyway in process.
Once I made 800000 deal this way. I 95% was sure I'll be killed in process. (Hi, Michaelh139 :) ) and was really amazed that all came o'k ;)

Imagine several crafter, with stuff - they trade easily (they paid for that, remember?), giving radio advertisements (come to BarterGround, best Drugs from Doctor Eex!)
You take caps or your stuff and come to market, trading, choosing from whom to buy and so on... Impossible in NCR or even VC
This idea allows to have good quantity of players, REAL BAZZAR, not that grieving fest in NCR.

And this location can have a guarded parking for caravans and so on and so on. 

And btw, A NEW location is NEW CONTENT and POSSIBILITY, is not it?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 12:08:26 pm by Doctor Eex »
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2011, 12:33:07 pm »

I'd prefer a 'Consignment Store'. One in every town, and with a global inventory (the more player trading the better).

You make an item and hand it over to the store. Then you either you set your intended price or the game assigns it (the item's base price) - whichever's easier. Other players then speak to the Merchant and buy items through dialogue - the store accepts caps only, to stop it becoming a convert-items-into-cash system. If there's more than one in stock, the merchant selects a random one to sell to the player. The merchant takes 10% of the transaction as a fee, and the rest is ready to collect/deposited into the bank account of the player who sold it.

(I'm also going to suggest a scrap merchant who will take any item you give him worth over $20, who will then give you 25% of its value in straight-up caps)

However, this would require an awful lot of scripting. But I think it would be nice to have a system where you can sell the junk cluttering up your base.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2011, 02:08:36 pm »

Thieves won't be stopped by this. It's easy to create an alt.

What happens to a bomb that's activated inside? Will it magically disappear? Will it be defused? Will players stay magically unharmed when it goes off?

Sound like: wtf, players can craft all the shit with alts or farm in encounters.
Yes, they can. But!

I'm talking! About ! Alive! Player's market! Not about hiding in tents or hanging on global.

To get stuff to trade you either need to gather and craft it or farm encounters. This will not change by a player market.
Trading P2P trading in global is safe.

Imagine several crafter, with stuff - they trade easily (they paid for that, remember?), giving radio advertisements (come to BarterGround, best Drugs from Doctor Eex!)
You take caps or your stuff and come to market, trading, choosing from whom to buy and so on... Impossible in NCR or even VC
This idea allows to have good quantity of players, REAL BAZZAR, not that grieving fest in NCR.

And this location can have a guarded parking for caravans and so on and so on. 

And btw, A NEW location is NEW CONTENT and POSSIBILITY, is not it?

The radio channel(s) used for trading will be spawned.
On the bazar you'll most likely close the chatbox due to the huge amount of trade spamming.

Without this kind of market you still have the option about who to trade to and who to sell to.
The only good thing, and already suggested before, is the safe parking.

I'd prefer a 'Consignment Store'. One in every town, and with a global inventory (the more player trading the better).

That's not adding anything.
You want to sell something, sell it to npc or to pc through the game or the trade forums.

An alternative to your suggestion would be something like what's available in Entropia Universe. You buy an npc merchant (similar to the current mercs system) and stock it with items. You set prices for items and the npc does the trading, similar to a shop. Instead of buying some kind of hiring system could be implemented where you have to pay for the merc every once in a while or you pay with a percentage 5-10% of the sale with a minimum.
Downside is this doesn't stimulate any P2P action.

The WWP project in Redding which allows for safe trading. You want safe trading, go there and they'll help you. These kind of projects should get a good chance before something else is implemented.
The other option is for players to set up there own shop on a radio channel or have some kind of public trade base like during the previous era (players made it and as usual others broke it).

Doctor Eex

  • TEE Hive Father
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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2011, 02:24:15 pm »

Thieves won't be stopped by this. It's easy to create an alt.
Not so easy to create 300 steal alt. After all you'll get tired. And still it's not kitty online, so take care of your stuff!

What happens to a bomb that's activated inside? Will it magically disappear? Will it be defused? Will players stay magically unharmed when it goes off?

It will explode on activator's body. Don't stand with people that just shotted by guards. You cannot set timer less then 0:01
So anyone can take cover. Or if you killed, guards will loot you (unless it's another pack of armed dynamite, which is impossible)

To get stuff to trade you either need to gather and craft it or farm encounters. This will not change by a player market.
This will give opportunity to exchange with wide circle of people, because you will not need trusted guy to trade. You can trade with anyone and make sure that it's fair trade.

The radio channel(s) used for trading will be spawned
You have turn off buttons. If you want to check market - just turn on 0. If not - shut it down.
On the bazar you'll most likely close the chatbox due to the huge amount of trade spamming.
Depend on people, yes. If it will be a problem, I'll add filter buttons on my interface :)

The WWP project in Redding which allows for safe trading.
Safe trading in unguarded town? Dreams, dreams

I don't want any automatic auctions like WOW and whatever. I just want stable fair players market!
I want all noobs crafters could trade safely.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2011, 02:49:19 pm »

Not so easy to create 300 steal alt. After all you'll get tired. And still it's not kitty online, so take care of your stuff!

It's relatively easy to create a 300 steal alt. Don't focus on stealing alone.

It will explode on activator's body. Don't stand with people that just shotted by guards. You cannot set timer less then 0:01
So anyone can take cover. Or if you killed, guards will loot you (unless it's another pack of armed dynamite, which is impossible)
This will give opportunity to exchange with wide circle of people, because you will not need trusted guy to trade. You can trade with anyone and make sure that it's fair trade.

I don't get what you're trying to say here. There's a perk for 0% fail on explosives. People standing close will get harmed or killed. A timer of 1 second is enough.
The trade might be fair, thieves will grab their chance when you're trading.

You have turn off buttons. If you want to check market - just turn on 0. If not - shut it down.Depend on people, yes. If it will be a problem, I'll add filter buttons on my interface :)

Channel 0 is spammed. Any other popular channel will be too. Let's say traders use channel 10 for the market, than channel 10 will be spammed. Buttons won't change anything as it only means you can't here the trade offers and demands either.

Safe trading in unguarded town? Dreams, dreams

I did a 210k trade with Jovanka in Redding recently. WWP provided safety.

I don't want any automatic auctions like WOW and whatever. I just want stable fair players market!
I want all noobs crafters could trade safely.

I don't want automated trading either, but I don't see much in your suggestion either.

Doctor Eex

  • TEE Hive Father
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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2011, 03:02:16 pm »

It's relatively easy to create a 300 steal alt. Don't focus on stealing alone.
How many alts you will create in a row? They'll be killed on sight after 6 fails (may be less - need balancing)

I don't get what you're trying to say here. There's a perk for 0% fail on explosives. People standing close will get harmed or killed. A timer of 1 second is enough.
The trade might be fair, thieves will grab their chance when you're trading.
As you will activate dynamite, you will me eliminated immediately. 0:01 means not 1 sec. it mins 1 ingame minute AFAIK 3 secs to take cover.
If you killed, guard will loot your stuff and you can get it from LOST and FOUND.
Thievery i market will be possible, but fails will have consequences.

Channel 0 is spammed. Any other popular channel will be too. Let's say traders use channel 10 for the market, than channel 10 will be spammed. Buttons won't change anything as it only means you can't here the trade offers and demands either.
Spam is kind a off-top here anyway. You can get spam anywhere and anytime. Not related with suggestion

I did a 210k trade with Jovanka in Redding recently. WWP provided safety.
You cannot hang in town that could be anytime taken by other gang.  I was in BHH when it just started. Faction cannot provide security, it's a fact.

I don't see much in your suggestion either.
You don't want to have free players market? Next please.
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