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Author Topic: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.  (Read 6241 times)

Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2011, 03:57:04 pm »

i like this suggestion.
it would be great if it have a unique radio channel, only broadcast, and only usable inside the town. This will limit spam, and you can make sure that the person that want to sell/buy is actually in the town.

and for a 'Consignment Store', is also a good solution, but it would reduce direct player interaction, that i think devs are triyn to increase.
"Is it possible for man to conquer his own Karma!? Unless we can find a way to defeat the cycles of time, there is no future for mankind!"
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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2011, 04:23:47 pm »

and for a 'Consignment Store', is also a good solution, but it would reduce direct player interaction, that i think devs are triyn to increase.

Not sure about that, I'd argue that it would remain much the same. People will still sell their high-end/valuable/rare gear on the forums. I think the main result is that there'd be a lot more players making and spending cash, as well as less hoarding. Both of which I consider good things. (Hell, if it worked with items it could probably be expanded to include slaves.)

There are also much better and more relevant ways of promoting player / player interaction. I think the idea of a trading area is nice, but would have the same flaws as just standing in the NCR. A player-stocked store would be much more practical and economically beneficial, which I like to think is the whole purpose in an improved trading system. Not everyone wants to set up trades and haggle with strangers and spam radio channels.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2011, 04:39:57 pm »

How many alts you will create in a row? They'll be killed on sight after 6 fails (may be less - need balancing)

Ridiculous suggestion as it means no entering what so ever after a few times.
Ever thought about the fact that thieves might have some good stuff to trade?

As you will activate dynamite, you will me eliminated immediately. 0:01 means not 1 sec. it mins 1 ingame minute AFAIK 3 secs to take cover.
If you killed, guard will loot your stuff and you can get it from LOST and FOUND.
Thievery i market will be possible, but fails will have consequences.

So no penalty for bombers but thieves are screwed?
Consequences are fine, but if there's no way make up for it, than that's just a bad suggestion.

Spam is kind a off-top here anyway. You can get spam anywhere and anytime. Not related with suggestion

Spam is far from off topic here. How the hell are people going to advertise their products and prices? Or is the market going to be linked to the trade forum?

You cannot hang in town that could be anytime taken by other gang.  I was in BHH when it just started. Faction cannot provide security, it's a fact.

I wasn't suggesting you keep hanging around there. I was saying you can meet there for a safe trade.

You don't want to have free players market? Next please.

There's already a player's market, but part of it is setup outside the game world.
What you're suggesting is basically a free from thieves, PK, bombers, etc. area for people to hang out. As that's what it will change into. A 500 caps fee is not going to change that.

i like this suggestion.
it would be great if it have a unique radio channel, only broadcast, and only usable inside the town. This will limit spam, and you can make sure that the person that want to sell/buy is actually in the town.

This can only work if the amount of messages per person are limited. Otherwise you'll have a few people spamming the hello out of it. Limited means limited in this case and not based upon speech skill.
You'll know the person is in the town when the message is broadcasted, he might be gone when you harve arrived.

A player-stocked store would be much more practical and economically beneficial, which I like to think is the whole purpose in an improved trading system. Not everyone wants to set up trades and haggle with strangers and spam radio channels.

I agree with this. You should be able to buy or rent 1 together with a bunch of guards. Both the guards and merchant should be unlootable and unstealable.
In addition some kind of (outside) store message board could be added to list items you're looking for together with a radio channel to contact you.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2011, 04:57:19 pm »

You should be able to buy or rent 1 together with a bunch of guards. Both the guards and merchant should be unlootable and unstealable.
In addition some kind of (outside) store message board could be added to list items you're looking for together with a radio channel to contact you.

I find the idea of player owned stores more interesting, as we'd see stores that specialised in certain items, people undercutting each other's prices, factions becoming known for producing certain gear, etc.

But I also see it being more of a potential clusterfuck. Rival gangs harassing people shopping in opponent's stores, suicide bombing merchants, physically blocking access to traders, and all kinds of other stuff which makes the whole process a grief fest rather than a workable economic system.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2011, 09:15:05 pm »

4) All security guards with different AI then regular town. If you get killed with stuff by burster or whatever, they loot you and don't let anyone to do it instead.
"Keep Doctor Eex's stuff on the ground or get shot!!!!!" Then when you return to this location after respawn, you can go to "Lost and Found" NPC and ask him to get your stuff back via dialogue. Or you can ask to give this stuff to player that you name to this NPC. " Please give this stuff to ГорбатаяГора when he arrives" This will also help to safe move stuff between alts if you don't have base. This NPC may also take stuff for safe storage.
Why not just make it for every guarded town? And your suggestion will be implemented without creating strange locations outside towns, that has protection better than towns themselves... really strange policy. Of couse it'll make game boring inside guarded towns, no more smg suiciders, no more trolling, bombers, tent/room exploiters and other fun stuff that makes guarded towns worth visiting, but players will be able to trade there.


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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2011, 04:46:55 pm »

Totally against, the beauty of the game is that you may be betrayed and looted, never truly safe...

So loyal and safe traders are true precious, they exist and when you found them you are truly happy.

It is awesome go to a meeting with your totally pacifist alt and watch  5 - 6 nervous guys in metal armor and rocket launcher
looking around fearing a trap.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2011, 09:09:05 pm »

hm. someone MIGHT  find a way to exploit this, somehow, you dont think they can but they will, better move this on to closed suggestions ....
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2011, 09:39:47 pm »

I think there should be NPC which you will buy for example for 10 days and you will give him stuff to sell because i think nobody want stay on hex and yell what they are selling.

Doctor Eex

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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2011, 06:37:06 am »

O'k I got it. Most of answered here do not want to increase player to player interactions. Mkey!

hm. someone MIGHT  find a way to exploit this, somehow, you dont think they can but they will better move this on to closed suggestions ....

traders are true precious
may be betrayed and looted

Why not just make it for every guarded town?
it'll make game boring inside guarded towns

Ridiculous suggestion as it means no entering what so ever after a few times.
Ever thought about the fact that thieves might have some good stuff to trade?

Thieves won't be stopped by this. It's easy to create an alt.
Don't get it - first you wrote it's not a problem for thieves. Than you worried about thieves. Get some logic man!

« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 06:49:23 am by Doctor Eex »
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #24 on: March 20, 2011, 10:34:12 am »

hm. someone MIGHT  find a way to exploit this, somehow, you dont think they can but they will, better move this on to closed suggestions ....

Just because your thread was closed doesn't mean you have to troll in someone elses.

On topic though i have to say i agree with those that say most trades will still be done in trade offers, it would be nice to have a market to be able to go to and try to buy things from other players but i don't see all that many using it since it may become a waste of time if nothing you want is there.


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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2011, 08:01:08 am »

the only way to sell is to be a trusted seller, and you still have chances that the clients aren't so trusty. i recommend 100% buying for black key. Look i have to say everything looks fine, but we have to admit that this has the advantage of being one of the most free and realistic (in SOME CASES) mmorpg you can play. in real life you have risks when you make a deal.


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Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2011, 01:53:38 pm »

nah i dont like the suggestion, players can trade on worldmap perfectly safe, so i find the suggestion useless.
How is trading on worldmap perfectly safe?  "Follow me to worldmap." Then you click just a tiny bit over to where your tent and 5 BG mercs are and enter it before the dude selling his 6 BAs can leave your party.  Game over for him.  If you want to see what I mean, ask K_Merc to see his tent in NCR.  You'll be at the tent almost right after your Worldmap loads.

Second, there are a lot of naysayers here, but the barter ground does work in TLA.  I mean, there's always people there (from what I've seen in the hour or two I've played TLA).

And third, it could be in the Heights at the Hub.  It's a good location, with a little reworking.  And it'd bring life to a part of the city that nobody ever goes to.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2011, 11:12:30 pm »

Good idea.Too complicated to do though.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2011, 10:18:56 am »

Second, there are a lot of naysayers here, but the barter ground does work in TLA.  I mean, there's always people there (from what I've seen in the hour or two I've played TLA).

When I first heared about TLA is was said thatthe interface was in Russian.
For me and a pretty much most other none Russian speaking players of 2238, that's the reason not to play it.

As far as this suggestion goes, it only seems to be a suggestion about avoiding any kind of risk when wanting to trade stuff.
Re: Barter Ground - Perfectly safe for Player to Player trading.
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2011, 04:18:27 am »

it would be great if it have a unique radio channel, only broadcast, and only usable inside the town. This will limit spam, and you can make sure that the person that want to sell/buy is actually in the town.

How is this channel existing, "in-game"?
Towns hand out special short range radios?

Also, if broadcast only, how do we recieve?

We can just yell for in-town only communication.

@OP: how do guards know when you have armed a bomb?
Just up their observance to automatic and total?
Where do super-guards come from?

I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.
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