Dude, come on. I said talk about it, not totally shoot it down, mister game master. Damn. And yes I would like to craft and live in it, that's why I thought of it...
Yes it's small but it doesn't have to totally correlate with the size you see outside. It's a game. Maybe if that was your faction base you would only be limited to 4-6 members, and seeing as it's a high-tech piece of equipment all of those who owned it would probably have some awesome firepower and armor to make up for numbers. Besides I'm not really into HUGE groups of people, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Sorry Wipe, it's irritating to get onto your idea's post and the first thing you see is,"Not going to happen." I don't care if that's the case, the point is to talk about it. Fantasize. That's what this game is, a fictional piece of work, letting new ideas being implemented in new ways. Do you think that the first time someone suggested 3D graphics, or even Fallout for that matter, the first response was,"Nah, no. Just no. We can't do that so we're not going to."
Now I've heard some good ideas, that's what we want. Take it and evolve it. Maybe not overpower it like I started to kind of make it sound, but technically that's up to the developers. Maybe not make it into a faction base, probably not even. I'm aware of how highly illogical this sounds, and the engine may not even allow it. I don't see why not, I'm a programmer but I've never worked with this engine before and it sucks that I'm too lazy to even start. Now if I was also a 3D modeler and animator I would just make a mod, but that's not the case. Sadly.