and the way for cool: make demolition 2 expert thief. nobody can resistr dinamite. and they ll have 8 min replication cd.
have fun 
Actually easy to resist.
It was so fun with 1 ST and small frame in BA with laser rifle and MFCs on 17/18 carry weight standing in NCR.
Some moron trying to plant dynamite into me and saying "wtf?? overweight?" ahahahahaha, omg I can't forget his rage, just imagine, he's activating dynamite on some seconds, then, in panic using steal on me and dragging dynamite in my inventory and here... message about target's overweight, ahahaha, boom. I always waiting for bomber-planters, because it's fun to see them trying to plant dynamite into me when you have low carry weight.
About other NCR killing, plasma nades aren't good, you can kill only 1st level trolls/thieves(again trolls)/morons(trolls) and begginers. Killing begginers isn't good for you and server you're playing, while killing trolls is useless because they have outdoorsman tagged and will return and they only waiting for you to kill them. Best killing in NCR is from gatling laser or gauss pistol, of couse someone should loot you, in worst case, try let guard loot you. Try to kill with superstims, gatlings, bazookas, flamers, it's much more funnier. Also, you don't even need BG skill to kill with bazooka, if you miss, a missile will explode on 40th hex or on obstacle like wall/tent/etc. So you can shoot with bazooka even with 1 ST and negative BG% skill, all you need is atleast 7 PE (or 6 for 38 range is enough, missile will explode in 2 hexes from target and it's enough) or target must be near tent/wall/other obtacle. Killing with gatling really fun, it has 40 hexes range and long range perk, you can even snipe with it! Also it doesn't leave trails. Flamers (better improved) good only if you will crit, so target will dance in fire, it's really fun! Oh, and of couse superstims... silent death, poor Sha Enin accidentaly dying infront of thier customers, noobish bluesuiters running to exit grind and falling near it, poor brahmin shit shoveler dying in bank with banker too from heart attacks, etc.
About TB build:
Make one-hander-fast-shoter-o-brofer-jet-o-nuka-cigs-magneto-laser-or-plasma-pistoler-bonus-mover build.