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Author Topic: Quest Idea  (Read 1291 times)

Quest Idea
« on: March 04, 2011, 02:18:25 am »

I'm pretty new here but I thought I'd try to help out by coming up with a new quest. A random special encounter. A caravan tipped over possibly burning and some dead guards and civilians around.The caravan leader is alive but unconcious, you need to heal him to start dialog.He tells you how they were attacked by slavers and all the men were killed. He tells you that before he passed out he seen them dragging the women and children in that direction (points se or whatever). He begins crying and tells you that now that his wife is dead his children are all he has and begs you to return them to him.
 You have to search the world map until you find the slave camp(maybe explorer could help with this?). you can try to buy the children back from the slavers or kill them but if you start fighting they may decide to kill the slaves too. perhaps some bonus xp if you manage to free all the slaves. slavers might have some mercs around their camp to keep their investments secured so fighting would be a bigger risk. Its possible to sneak in and get the children out if noone notices you.
 Return children to their father.He thanks you and says he doesnt have much to offer as the slavers took most of the valuables but he managed to put together a couple things from the scraps left behind. Get a choice between gun,ammo,armor,melee weapon and some caps.
Re: Quest Idea
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2011, 05:00:09 am »

I'm pretty new here but I thought I'd try to help out by coming up with a new quest. A random special encounter. A caravan tipped over possibly burning and some dead guards and civilians around.The caravan leader is alive but unconcious, you need to heal him to start dialog.He tells you how they were attacked by slavers and all the men were killed. He tells you that before he passed out he seen them dragging the women and children in that direction (points se or whatever). He begins crying and tells you that now that his wife is dead his children are all he has and begs you to return them to him.
 You have to search the world map until you find the slave camp(maybe explorer could help with this?). you can try to buy the children back from the slavers or kill them but if you start fighting they may decide to kill the slaves too. perhaps some bonus xp if you manage to free all the slaves. slavers might have some mercs around their camp to keep their investments secured so fighting would be a bigger risk. Its possible to sneak in and get the children out if noone notices you.
 Return children to their father.He thanks you and says he doesnt have much to offer as the slavers took most of the valuables but he managed to put together a couple things from the scraps left behind. Get a choice between gun,ammo,armor,melee weapon and some caps.

Now that is more like it. It's a good start but would this be repeatable and only found in random encounter? Or if and when caravan guard jobs become available (like in fo1 and fo2) would there be a mission from a caravan organiser who hasn't heard from one of his caravans and they are possibly a day overdue. He then gives you a grid reference of the area they last reported in from and you have to search that square or around it (not too far away) to find them. You could simply rescue survivors (if more than one) to earn a small reward from the caravan organiser in town and have the option of going to rescue those taken.



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Re: Quest Idea
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2011, 06:55:54 am »

I see two possible problems: 1. finding the camp "on random" / traveling on the worldmap can be difficult / might be too difficult for what it's worth (defining the place). 2. If you found the target objects, you can't go back to the quest initiator, as it was in a random encounter, which is gone by now.

If this points can be changed, the rest isn't a big deal.
Re: Quest Idea
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2011, 07:25:13 am »

 I like the idea of the random quest so its like a treat and not something people can just keep cycling through to get xp/loot.Once the quest is accepted could the place be marked for the quest taker so they could return? seeing as how this quest is a random encounter maybe the quest couuld give better than usual reward for it.
 Maybe once the quest is taken npcs in nearby towns could say something like I heard about some slavers working near brokenhills or whatever to give you a clue as to where to look for it. This could turn into a longer quest with you going to a few towns to get hints where to search for this camp if you didnt want to just randomly search the map. People with high OD might find it easier to just search the map though.


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Re: Quest Idea
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 10:25:21 am »

I see two possible problems: 1. finding the camp "on random" / traveling on the worldmap can be difficult / might be too difficult for what it's worth (defining the place). 2. If you found the target objects, you can't go back to the quest initiator, as it was in a random encounter, which is gone by now.

If this points can be changed, the rest isn't a big deal.

2. Maybe do it like the "kill dogs" quest in L.A., so the location of the caravan and the slaver camp is visible for the questtaker until quest completion or death.

But yeah i cant suggest a solution to the random encounter things as i dont know how things work on the programming level :(
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