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Author Topic: better criticals on biggunner  (Read 2852 times)

better criticals on biggunner
« on: February 27, 2011, 04:32:28 pm »

Does this perk work on burst big gunners? because i dont see any difference between my biggunner with better criticals and without this perk. only difference i see is more perception and more bg skill what makes critical hits damage bigger from max range.. any dev can answer? ;o btw all this hits are very strange, sometimes hits for 40, 50, sometimes 100, and critical hits - sometimes 250, sometimes 160 and sometimes even about 100. isn't it too much random?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 04:35:01 pm by Hayabusa »


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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2011, 04:53:26 pm »

Since the beginning of the era, devs reworked the formula of burst, and now it's true that the number of bullets actually hitting your target is pretty random now, especially for avenger.
Anyway: more PE and skill doesn't help at all as long you have at least 95% ToHit on your target.

For the criticals, coming from my own test, yes, better critical help, but my answer don't worth so much, I would be interested in a dev answer (what is the actual chance to have at least a x2 with and without better critical?).
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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2011, 05:00:01 pm »

so this formula is too strange, sometimes you can hit for 40 to metal armor from even close range and second burst 80.
, but my answer don't worth so much
i am asking because 1 my alt does ~ 250 damage from critical, then second alt does ~ 100 lower damage from criticals... (to 0% det bos armor...) and only difference between these alts is 1 more PE and 20 % bg skill (but still both have 95% from max range) :D all i can say abouth these that damage is too random from avenger..


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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2011, 05:59:27 pm »

Since the beginning of the era, devs reworked the formula of burst, and now it's true that the number of bullets actually hitting your target is pretty random now, especially for avenger.

Burst formula is unchanged. Randomness in the Avenger has always been there, though it really isn't a big effect.

BRDx2: now avenger
11:08:48 • Gorlak was hit for 68 hit points.
11:08:50 • Gorlak was critically hit for 163 hit points.
11:08:54 • Gorlak was hit for 97 hit points.
11:08:58 • Gorlak was hit for 94 hit points.
11:09:01 • Gorlak was critically hit for 217 hit points.
11:09:05 • Gorlak was hit for 69 hit points.
11:09:09 • Gorlak was critically hit for 161 hit points.
11:09:12 • Gorlak was hit for 91 hit points.
11:09:16 • Gorlak was hit for 26 hit points.
11:09:21 • Gorlak was hit for 51 hit points.
11:09:25 • Gorlak was hit for 96 hit points.
11:09:27 • Gorlak was hit for 92 hit points.
11:09:31 • Gorlak was hit for 96 hit points.
11:09:35 • Gorlak was hit for 99 hit points.
11:09:39 • Gorlak was hit for 87 hit points.
11:09:42 • Gorlak was hit for 75 hit points.
11:09:46 • Gorlak was hit for 66 hit points.
11:09:49 • Gorlak was hit for 65 hit points.
11:09:53 • Gorlak was hit for 67 hit points.
11:10:08 • Gorlak was hit for 89 hit points.
11:10:11 • BRDx2: ok, 20

Better Crits isn't really worth it, BRD is better
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 06:02:46 pm by Solar »
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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2011, 06:03:02 pm »

Burst formula is unchanged. Randomness in the Avenger has always been there, though it really isn't a big effect.

I am pretty sure that the formula wasn't working properly before in that case.
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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2011, 06:04:43 pm »

Been working fine, only thing thats changed for Avenger was Fast Shot ... and a while ago, messing with their ammo mod.

Avenger is still very healthy damage.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2011, 06:32:44 pm »

But i have 2 x brd and better criticals ;] seems like better critical is also too much randomed and not worth to take on bg..


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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2011, 07:20:09 pm »

From my point of view, I always thought that Better Critical is useless for bursters, cause if a BG do a critical, is almost sure it'll be lethal. With or without the perk.


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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2011, 02:58:50 pm »

BC can add KO and KD to your critical bursts, but damage speaking, its only slight difference.
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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2011, 08:14:27 pm »

Burst formula is unchanged. Randomness in the Avenger has always been there, though it really isn't a big effect.

Sorry for the bump but...

I once made this question and was told that it doesn't change, but seeing that post made me wonder.

High % really makes more bullets hit in a burst? (Even after already having 95% chance to hit)



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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2011, 08:41:50 pm »

High % really makes more bullets hit in a burst? (Even after already having 95% chance to hit)

The answer should be no.

(but I am pretty sure the formula have been fixed during wipe, if not, how to explain that last session, even while blinded, I was doing same damage, and now, if I am blinded, I just read "you missed"...)
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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2011, 08:55:40 pm »

Tested it with 250% in BG skill - no diferences.
You make less dmg when you are blinded coz you got horrible penalty to your PE.
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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2011, 09:08:17 pm »

Tested it with 250% in BG skill - no diferences.
You make less dmg when you are blinded coz you got horrible penalty to your PE.

Yeah I know, less PE (and another malus IIRC), which lower your ToHit, and make you less damage. Point is: last session, even blinded, I was doing as much damage. Not anymore. So something should have changed/been fixed.
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Re: better criticals on biggunner
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2011, 09:18:44 pm »

You have only 48.77% that 14th bullet will hit, if you have 95% to hit.
And you have 12.85% that 40th bullet will hit.

Here's a question:
It's 1/1/1 and each bullet in line is separate %?
So you'll have 48.77% that all bullets will hit your primary target or 12.85%?




Looks like 1st, but still bursting weapon is pure real life luck weapon, even 2nd bullet will have double chance of miss than 1st, and each next bullet will have on ~5-4% less and less, and if you'll fail your roll, then chain is broken and every other bullet missed.
So of couse BGskill% has nothing with this, you need only 95% to hit with 1st bullet, each next bullet will have 95% too. Then 0.95^x where x is a number of bullet.
Critical bursters of couse are better, because as they say, you may get more than 95% to hit with critical chance, it means that not only each bullet will deal multiplied by critical table damage, but also all of them or atleast more of them will hit target.
I saw difference, when I was bursted by avenger in point blank for ~130 damage, I had LAmk2 on me, x1 toughness +I was on jet (-15% DR), and 2nd burst was for 340+. Both were no critical. So it's just d100 rolls again and again and again until computer will roll 1-4, not BG% skill.
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