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Author Topic: We need your support!  (Read 20402 times)


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2011, 01:34:28 am »

At some point I will try to make a donation however money is tight around here, I just moved into a new place closer to work. Many servers for non-mainstream games do have VIP Features for donators to encourage donating, such as say, Rare items and gear, or cars, this may make some people jealous, but it does actually help keep certain games with low playerbases alive. Lots of people in the playerbase either live with their parents or barely make due with rent and utilities for themselves, so if needed you may want to consider VIP gear.

I'm not saying I'm asking this, but VIP services can definately help pay the bills.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2011, 03:45:47 am »

At some point I will try to make a donation however money is tight around here, I just moved into a new place closer to work. Many servers for non-mainstream games do have VIP Features for donators to encourage donating, such as say, Rare items and gear, or cars, this may make some people jealous, but it does actually help keep certain games with low playerbases alive. Lots of people in the playerbase either live with their parents or barely make due with rent and utilities for themselves, so if needed you may want to consider VIP gear.

I'm not saying I'm asking this, but VIP services can definately help pay the bills.

That can cause problems with the holders of the IP, how do people not understand that yet?


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2011, 04:14:50 am »

What the heck? There are so many Gmod roleplay servers that use the already crap Fallout 3 or Stalker content and they get VIP donations.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2011, 09:23:12 am »

VIP gear is here out of question. How about sneak peeks at after-wipe, though?
Wasteland is a tricky business.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2011, 01:06:57 pm »

Asked allready in another thread about it, but no response so far.

Is there any other way for donation besides pay pal?


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2011, 02:41:33 am »

Asked allready in another thread about it, but no response so far.

Is there any other way for donation besides pay pal?

I guess not... I'm not sure...
But probably not due to the fact that no one has responded so far.  :-\
Try contacting the developers and ask them for information and maybe your bank can transfer the money.
But I'm not sure to be honest.
My current In-game name is Colan.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2011, 05:57:33 am »

I would of donated if I've seen any development in this game. I been playing now around two month and all ive seen was quest competition and random cars on map. You guys cant even add more faction names. To be honest i got pretty bored playing this game.

Add more proffessions, weapons perhaps and  the other things that has been discussed in development forums. Then i will be happy to pay/donate for playing this game.
aka BGHomie


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2011, 06:44:14 am »

I would of donated if I've seen any development in this game. I been playing now around two month and all ive seen was quest competition and random cars on map. You guys cant even add more faction names. To be honest i got pretty bored playing this game.

Add more proffessions, weapons perhaps and  the other things that has been discussed in development forums. Then i will be happy to pay/donate for playing this game.
If you had looked more closely into the forums they are going to be having Wipe um...  "soon" or whatnot, and also mentioned i believe it'll have a huge changelog of updates and fixes etc.  We'll be seeing big updates in NPC factions and im pretty sure we'll have domination but I'm too lazy to cite these things.  Just sayin, waiting around for such an awesome wipe/update, is absolutely worth donating right now.

if only I had a payroll...
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2011, 07:16:40 am »

Danil since you have only been playing for 2 months I'll tell you how this goes, Wipe Happens=lots of changes, A few updates, more updates to fix any bad things that happened with previous updates, stagnant period waiting for the wipe, Wipe Happens=lots of changes.

This season has gone on rather long but there really isn't a point in adding small updates and taking time away from finishing the work that needs to be done on the larger updates to make the game ready for a wipe.

P.S. Ill donate as soon as i get my money deposited at my bank...How close are we?
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2011, 07:33:02 am »

Fair enough. I guess I missed that part about wipe. Hopefully it will bring us lots of changes. I apologise for my criticism
aka BGHomie
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2011, 07:37:24 am »

Ok Need help, want to donate but the pay pal site that the link takes me to is not in English.  I do not put my info into something I can't read, it's just how I feel.  If someone can link me to the English one, or a way to convert the page since I didn't even find that button on that page I'd be very thankful.  Especially since I have some spare money I want to help these guys out. 

Thanks in advance.
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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #41 on: May 15, 2011, 08:47:16 am »

Ok Need help, want to donate but the pay pal site that the link takes me to is not in English.  I do not put my info into something I can't read, it's just how I feel.  If someone can link me to the English one, or a way to convert the page since I didn't even find that button on that page I'd be very thankful.  Especially since I have some spare money I want to help these guys out. 

Thanks in advance.
when you right-click anywhere isn't there a command with the word "Translate" somewhere?  e.g. "Translate with Live Search"
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2011, 08:57:42 am »

No I checked that already.  Sadly I tried most the easy ways I could think of.  I find it strange the Pay Pal site itself doesn't seem to have a switch button, since I have been to English Text Pay Pal before.
City Encounters:  269
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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2011, 10:11:46 am »

What I can say is that domination will most likely not make it into the next update. While the system behind it is as good as done (as far as I know), we still are lacking lots of (tactical) maps for it.

The update for npc factions will be rather small as well. What we worked on the past weeks have been mainly changes to the follower system, various quests and a new quest editor (and other stuff here and there), while the editor took the most of the worktime. I wanted to write a blogpost about it already some time ago, but never got the time to do so, due to a new job which occupies most of my free time now.


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2011, 03:15:45 pm »

What I can say is that domination will most likely not make it into the next update. While the system behind it is as good as done (as far as I know), we still are lacking lots of (tactical) maps for it.

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