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Author Topic: We need your support!  (Read 20399 times)

Re: We need your support!
« Reply #45 on: May 15, 2011, 04:53:53 pm »

What I can say is that domination will most likely not make it into the next update. While the system behind it is as good as done (as far as I know), we still are lacking lots of (tactical) maps for it.

The update for npc factions will be rather small as well. What we worked on the past weeks have been mainly changes to the follower system, various quests and a new quest editor (and other stuff here and there), while the editor took the most of the worktime. I wanted to write a blogpost about it already some time ago, but never got the time to do so, due to a new job which occupies most of my free time now.
Why the hell!
You should make contest for mappers with prizes.


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #46 on: May 15, 2011, 05:43:26 pm »

If you can fix the dual log / proxy problem it will be enough for me.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #47 on: May 15, 2011, 06:08:26 pm »

If you can fix the dual log / proxy problem it will be enough for me.
If you think its okay then I must strictly disagree because there is too much negative things like looting in BOS , insta-kills, also there are some problems with history of game for example (In Small hidden bomb shelter you can obtain Metal armor mk.II which is armor produced after war.


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #48 on: May 15, 2011, 08:13:18 pm »

If you can fix the dual log / proxy problem it will be enough for me.
This a thousand times over.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2011, 12:19:09 am »

If you can fix the dual log / proxy problem it will be enough for me.

to eliminate/decrease proxy problem u should make a proxy black list:

u should permanently bann proxys ip, there are not so much good proxy with ping lower than 500, it would take some work but its "do-able", from time to time some person should bann new addresses and the cart is rolling.
im not a specialist from such stuff so maybe im wrong if so correct me.


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2011, 02:40:37 am »

to eliminate/decrease proxy problem u should make a proxy black list:

u should permanently bann proxys ip, there are not so much good proxy with ping lower than 500, it would take some work but its "do-able", from time to time some person should bann new addresses and the cart is rolling.
im not a specialist from such stuff so maybe im wrong if so correct me.

Seems to be a good idea !!!! Anything will be better than righ now situation.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2011, 01:45:09 am »

So no one can help me with the translation problem.  I would think it would be important, so that we can get donations.
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2011, 01:48:15 am »

Google toolbar can automatically translate pages.

Or, if you don't want to download that, you can copy-paste the text into

It's not perfect, but it's usually accurate enough.
Note: "Nazwisko" means surname, and "ImiÄ™" is First/Fore Name.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 01:52:47 am by Dishonest Abe »
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #53 on: May 19, 2011, 09:05:30 pm »

Or just translate your country name in Polish and change Polska to your country name to have all translated. (in your language or in English)
(But first you have to understand my bad English mouahahaha)

(other solution is to select random country in list and have maybe the translation in English)
~~~ Ashes of Phoenix project --> ~~~
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2012, 06:02:36 pm »

i would gladly donate to help this project but i am sry i am dissapointed from devs and latest changes instead to lighten things up you make the game even harder full of limitation and unnessecary limitations and changes....

Ok here a small list why i am not happy why i wont keep playing and why i wont donate:

Condition both on weapons and especially on armors going down extremely fast ( we wanna phew phew not to think of the gear that will break down easy if we will... jeeez)

Mercs wont carry my stuff anymore and companions are impossible to find (do i need to explain more on that?)

Repair shouldnt exist after the change (Logic is idiotic sry for saying that but it is Whats the reason to repair something using another weapon? why not just take the other weapon and go phew phew till it breaks down?)

Crafting is totaly crap i paid 1.5k then 3k just to learn to craft an support weapon only and not its ammo YOU KIDDING ME? ok i can craft a support weapon on bg1 and nothing else how the hell i am supposed to use that if i cant craft its ammo? 7.62mm

You didnt leave anything on proffesion we pay our caps to learn proffesions and we learn to craft the most crappy guns in the game ever and all the decent ones and the good ones you put them in blueprints that are low chance to find and even if u find one u gotta have a kickass lockpicker with you in order to unlock the box

I agree to a point for blueprints EX. avenger minigun and xl rifle should be blueprints and very rare and hard to find

But why why why? do you take away our weapon arsenal? U TOOK AWAY ROCKET LAUNCHERS MINIGUNS AND ASSAULT RIFLE. Those arent high tier weapon they are the regular weapon we used to use for everyday use and now u took them away u only give us the m62 or whatever its called and no bullets for it u guys are either very bad persons or unaware of what you did.

How the hell we gone play the game with punches ?
We cant even craft 5mm AP without the blueprints thats a disaster!

There are many more things to ask for but the above are the important ye i know trade is messed up atm but at least devs clarified that trade is gone be fixed soon i hope.

The truth is that i got lots of money IRL and i would happily donate for this game because i am huge fan of the good old rpg fallout series but as long as i dont see devs chill out a bit with harshness and limitations i wont ever donate anything and prolly you wont ever hear from me again i know you dont care at all but you rly should cause 1by1 leavers and quiters server will get empty at the end i am not the only one who is very upset with the latest changes ye my gang is also upset and might stop playing this is 2 much trouble just for a reworked fallout engine made back in 1994.

chill out and give us a break
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2012, 06:17:51 pm »

chill out and give us a break

wasn't last year a huge "break"?

...companions are impossible to find ...

pretty easy if you want to find one and spend some time on it (no , they don't come to your tent and say "hello i will be your companion now!)

We cant even craft 5mm AP without the blueprints thats a disaster!

go farm 5mm on Bos (stealing or heavy handed alt)

Crafting is totaly crap i paid 1.5k then 3k just to learn to craft an support weapon only and not its ammo YOU KIDDING ME?

proffesions let you learn from blueprints
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 06:19:57 pm by Dr. Parchir »
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #56 on: January 18, 2012, 07:43:55 pm »

wasn't last year a huge "break"?

pretty easy if you want to find one and spend some time on it (no , they don't come to your tent and say "hello i will be your companion now!)

go farm 5mm on Bos (stealing or heavy handed alt)

proffesions let you learn from blueprints

cause patience is not my virtue and this game is getting into my nerves and i look for a companion since server wipe on all cities some days i only look for companions for many many hrs doing nothing else just traveling from city to city to find one and i never found 1 and u tell me that hes not coming to my tent mocking me instead to calm me down

Cant you just put a quest line or something that eventually give us a companion? instead of running around for nothing is a lot better

and you dude i dont need ur advice keep playing the game if ur happy and having fun and leave the forums for the unhappy mad peps like me
 i already knew all the info you said to me no need to clarify ur shit i know them all and i am not happy with it thats why i am writing here, its not like i dont know how to get 5mm ap and that was previous year was like the game was supposed to be and this year from a good rpg game has become a boring luck based farming nightmare and in order to find a companion u gotta be a lotto winner and in order to get some decent blueprints for ur proffesion u gotta be lotto winner and have an 8th HH alt with lockpick along with ur 1st crafter, 2nd trader,3rd bg pvp char,4th sg pvp char, 5th scout,6th slaver,7th strong carry char ye we got RL also not even in LoL we dont have so many chars as u require here to play the game decently.

i am finished anyway GM's probably gave me minus rep last night with ncr without doing anything bad ye they show me the way out cause they dont like what i say but my duty is to make u understand somehow that u have overdone it and you destroy the game instead of making it more competative and more interesting.

i speak with lots of people in game and no1 told me that is happy with anything since the wipe ye all are mad for new crafting new repair new DET and mercs that cant carry stuff and the majority hasnt even seen a companion how it looks or how to get one.

i dont mind at all if companions or mercs are buggy cause its not ur fault at least u put something new and cool to the game and with time you can fix it i could even help debug some parts if possible but making them 1/1000 chance to find them thats not good especially not that you dont allow mercs to carry stuff around and a lot of peps went for good natured perk for +50PP to have a decent group of 2 mercs or 2 companions both for combat and hauling stuff.

Ye i dont say that a human can haul more stuff than a cow or a slave but he could carry at least 1/3 or 1/5 of it without problem and fight besides the price is much higher for a human merc than a slave or a cow or a dog

Why the dog can carry stuff and fight also and the human who is much more expensive cant carry stuff???

Those are extreme awful limitations

Ban me or not i got a point here and idc if you ban me as long as you understand that i am right besides thats why the forums are to help improve the game and i am feeling that i am helping atm.

5mmap from mutants u say? ye right create another char along with my HH&lockpick&outdoor for blueprint finding ye i should create another one HH&sneak&steal just to steal 5mm AP from muties and some afk players maybe but then what about my lvl 24 crafter sitting around not being able to craft anything because i dont have 2 other chars to steal and lockpick boxes that have 1/100 chance to ahve a blueprint inside

or there isnt even a blueprint for 5mm ap and u cant craft them at all in the game only thing you do is to create a thief just to steal 5mm ap?

this is crazy


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2012, 07:51:21 pm »

You seem to think strolling around with high tech gear is the default. It isn't.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: We need your support!
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2012, 09:15:58 pm »

You seem to think strolling around with high tech gear is the default. It isn't.

I didnt ask for hightec gear for ''mass consumption'' i am happy enough with m3a1 smg and SG but for BG m60 only without ammo is not so good please consider to give with bg1 the 7.62mm bullets along with the m60.

Also please consider making a quest line that gives a companion at the end and its repeatable in case ur companion bugs and get lost u can get a new one still it will be a loss since the new companion will be lvl 1 again.

Since the mercs cant carry our stuff around anymore for peps that have good natured perk companions are absolutely needed from early game.

omg i dont believe this i just found a companion!!!

After so much searching she just spawned on ncr entrance then walked down to the bar inside i followed her just talked to her and she came with me xD

omg omg omg so happy she can carry my stuff around and shes profficient with lazer gun and can wear anyarmor i want  ;D

omg i just lost her in an encounter dunno if she will respawn at my tent we never made it to tent so i speak her there to tell her to meet me at tent if we lost :(

i lost her got 0/85pp :(
i was so excited i found a companion that i wasnt carefull enough to order her to flee if we ecounter battle and i lost her and now i wont be so lucky again to find another i am doom :'(
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 10:32:11 pm by Zogra »


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Re: We need your support!
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2012, 10:48:47 pm »

Since the mercs cant carry our stuff around anymore for peps that have good natured perk companions are absolutely needed from early game.
Oh, another yahoo brave enough to jump onto bluesuit only with pack of mercs. Please, go be dumb somewhere else.
Nie biegaj za stadem.

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