FOnline Development > 3D Development

Character Animations

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i belive that the miniguns spin so the vertical and back recoil to be reduced by the angular velocity(or something, idk, to lazy to google)

    This weapon is very easy to control because of barrel small caliber.
U.S use it on blackhawk helicopter to support both sides, and they need to be very static  in one  place, not trowing on left and right side.
This weapon has only two defects. 8) Very heavy, terrible to monitor on decreasing amount of ammunition because, of fireing speed   :o   Perfect animation gratz ;D

yep in real life miniguns are very stable
but this is fonline, so i think they need to look very uncontrolable and psicho weapons, and that fits also with way of playing of most people,who use it for pking


--- Quote from: Reiniat on April 10, 2011, 05:40:41 pm ---yep in real life miniguns are very stable
but this is fonline, so i think they need to look very uncontrolable and psicho weapons, and that fits also with way of playing of most people,who use it for pking

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In real life, you also don't shoot miniguns from your hip. Not even an M60, because of the weight and insane recoil.


--- Quote from: Ghosthack on April 11, 2011, 04:23:40 am ---Not even an M60, because of the weight and insane recoil.

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Even in Terminator 2 Arnie needed a tripod in his pants and he was shooting blanks. What would you expect from a weapon meant to be mounted on a vehicle? ST15?


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