FOnline Development > 3D Development
Questions and Answers 3D (read the first post before asking a question)
Thanks for the welcome (and the quick reply). I solved part of the problem, the second command I used (~run debug SetCritParam x xxx x) was either spelled incorrectly or was in the wrong case(not in caps). I used the command shown in this post: , but couldn't change from the leather armour(this is the armour that appeared, not the combat armour that I was expecting after reading that post). I am assuming that the sequence of 3 x's refers to the PID of the armour, meaning that for the APA it would be 348/9 is this correct? Because I tried that while using a different value for the final 'x' and saw no change other than the idle animation for the character would restart.
Luther Blissett:
If you don't have admin access yet, go to FOnlineServer.cfg in Server folder and add this at the end :
--- Code: ---Access_admin=password
--- End code ---
Then, in game :
--- Code: ---~getaccess admin password
--- End code ---
Should say "access changed".
These are the parameter adjust things
param 0 150 x (skin tone, from # Skin section of FOHuman file)
param 0 151 x (object in hand, from # Right Handle section of FOHuman file)
param 0 152 x (object in hand, from # Left Handle section of FOHuman file)
param 0 153 x (armour number, from # Body section of FOHuman file)
param 0 154 x (helmet / hat number from # Head section of FOHuman file)
param 0 155 x (clothes number, from # ArmorClothing section of FOHuman file )
The zero is probably the character ID. Not certain on that, but by default, 0 will change things on the player.
Setting x to -1 will disable the layer / set it to nothing.
Setting x to any number will apply the relevant armour / skin / clothing from the "_FOHuman.fo3d" file.
Example :
~param 0 153 6
~param 0 154 6
Power armour and helmet
~param 0 153 9
~param 0 154 9
Advanced Power Armour and helmet
Numbers are stored in here :
Hope that makes sense.
Ah, yes it does make more sense to me now. However I tried '~param 0 153 9' and '~run debug SetCritParam 0 153 9' both of which just made my character naked... I even re-downloaded the SDK and it didn't work, I think that I'll just get to know the current build for now. Thank you all for your help.
P.S. - Does the line 'Value 9 Root DisableSubset 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 Attach Armor_APA.x' have anything to do with why it may not be working? Because the Power Armour didn't work either and it has the same subsets disabled.
What is the progress of work on models?
When will update revision?
How can I help? My suggestions are unlikely to be taken into the game so how can I help?
What the hell are shaders? Can someone explain me what models ook like when shaders will be completed?
--- Quote from: barter1113 on August 03, 2011, 11:00:05 am ---What is the progress of work on models?
When will update revision?
How can I help? My suggestions are unlikely to be taken into the game so how can I help?
What the hell are shaders? Can someone explain me what models ook like when shaders will be completed?
--- End quote ---
Graf or someone else made few very nice summaries, and I believe we'll get one in next few weeks after more things will come to an end.
Shaders are ummm...shaders :P In very easy words: Programs which enable us to use lighting/shadow/mirror/shine effects on our models. All in all it makes everything to look a lot better(And with use of those, we can easily make lighting effects from minigun/flamethrower and stuff like that on character/enviroment)
Here you have nice comparison how much they could change.
Or have you played The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind? Just look what people have done to it with use of improved models/textures/sounds/grass and shaders:
That should give you general idea what shaders are used for.
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