FOnline Development > 3D Development

Questions and Answers 3D (read the first post before asking a question)

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Nice job there Lizard I will use this armature instead the one I made for the ghoul btw if Luther can get the original into blender and max with the bone poses then we should work with those after all editing the existing work will be easier.
About the IKs a nice move there it could give some help to those who never tried animating and they could try too maybe someone has a hidden talent for that.

.3ds has no support for bones or skining. Use (open) Collada .dae format or .max if you must (but .max is version dependant).

Luther Blissett:
These plugins for 3ds max will work with the type of X file currently used for Fonline 3D stuff.
Direct X importer for 3ds Max

Regarding blender, heres a bunch of stuff in a .zip file

There's two .blend files. One has just the skeleton in, one has a person roughly placed over the skeleton, but it's not all linked together or anything. There's a couple of original animation files in there, converted into bvh, which blender seems to read quite happily.

However, note that I'm not entirely convinced that the skeleton has imported / exported properly. The shape is correct, but it doesn't seem to be linked together properly. Also note that the size, orientation and positioning is probably a bit messed up.

Anyway, it might be useful for one of you guys to look at / repair / work on etc. Lizard - if you can make some use of these bits, then do your magic with it, then we might be well on the way to being able to rig and animate the rest of the models. As Jotisz said, if we can tweak the existing animations using something like the original skeleton, it will all be much quicker.

Hi, I'm new to this game, forum and the FOnline SDK, I am having trouble with the 3D APA. whenever I try to equip it using the "~additemself 348 (or 349) 1" console command it gives me a suit of normal Power Armour instead, while still using the inventory symbol for the APA. I've looked everywhere for a solution, including the forums, and I can't find anything. I have also tried using the "~run debug setcrittparam x xxx x" command as well with no luck. I placed the 3D models in the data/art/critters folder and the textures in the data/textures folder, have I missed anything? I have been playing/testing the 3D models on my own server(created through the use of the SDK server tutorials) could this be part of the problem?

Also, sorry if this is posted in the wrong area.(the first post said this was the place to ask about the 3D models, etc.)

Hello and welcome to the Fonline 2238 forum.

I have to say, that none of the armors would work via "additemself" as they aren't yet attached to each other. So the only way to use it so far is the console command. If you've put the files into the correct folder, then you've probably missed the console command that gives you admin rights (you should set it in FOnlineServer.cfg file). Another problem might be, is that you didn't enabled the 3d models in the engine (this feature is disabled by default). To enable it, go to SDK\Server\scripts\_defines.fos and delete "//" sign before the "define PLAYERS_3D"


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