These aren't much different to before, but I corrected some little errors and bits I wasn't happy with. The rags may be a bit too dark (my monitor died, so I'm using a spare which I can't calibrate properly), but I can fix that at a later date.

Poly : Hat 60, Coat 576, Total 636
wings, obj, 3ds and png 1024 textures
Gangster suitPoly : Hood 164, Coat 730, Total 894
wings, obj, 3ds and png 1024 textures
Ragged Hooded CoatTextures will definitely need a further adjustment in future, to make them look right "in game" (in terms of overall brightness, contrast, colours used etc), but for now, if these can be worked with, I'll call them "done" for the time being.
For those that fancy doing some recolourings, the source .psd from the gangster suit is
here. Note that the layers are all pretty poorly labelled, and it's all a bit of a mess, but I'm sure you can work it out.