Little progress update : These are all work in progress, but thought it good to show some "half done" things, so people don't think I've given up or disappeared or anything

#1 Draft versions of : Ragged, hooded coat; Gangster Suit; Gangster Suit underclothes
#2 approximately in-game size of the sameThe hooded ragged clothes are from Surf's suggestion
here, and as it's only a "half reference image" but he's got something specific in mind, I'm waiting to hear back from him before I carry on (I might have done it completely wrong). Anyway, it's meant to look like lots of bits of rags sewn together. I haven't done much with the underclothes yet. It needs a lot of tweaking to work at game resolution.
The Gangster suits are from Jimmy BoyX's suggestion
here, and I've picked a "generic middle ground" from the images (it should be quite easy to do recolourings, fastened jackets etc by making tiny alterations). After conversation
here, the shirt and tie are now attached to the jacket model, rather than painted onto the body model. Jacket and hat only have provisional material on them, and still need all the detail and highlights / shadows painting on. Legs and shoes are near enough done, I think.
The Gangster underclothes... well, you only use the legs on the model, so the vest and braces is not really necessary, but it might be useful for something.
They're nearing the point where I need feedback / suggestions / ideas etc, but I've still got quite a bit of work to do before I'd personally call them "ready for final alterations" - so if there's anything blatantly noticeable, I'm probably already aware of it, but otherwise all thoughts / suggestions would be welcome.