Thought this might be useful as reference material (I put it together for myself for that purpose, but thought it worth sharing) :

Should be most, if not all the humanoid sprites from FO2. The palette's done some strange things in a couple of places - some of the "very white" is green (like on doctor's shoulder), but it's enough to see roughly what's going on.
Not to say we're recreating all the NPCs, but these are existing styles of clothes and armour, which people realistically may want to use on their characters, or at least want to look at for reference regarding appropriate colours or styles - i.e. I think Vic's style of waistcoat would suit as the style for the underclothes on the duster jacket I'm working on, and the brown used for the tribal trousers might be a good colour for the jacket itself.
The range of "peasant clothes" in particular is probably worth looking at for the character's "basic clothes".
[edit] Even the ghouls / midget etc - they're still wearing clothes. I'm sure they don't just make mechanic's dungarees in "midget size" only.