Pretty much this. Don't give a fuck about pants because it will be another texture anyway. If you want to see it in game you must wait a little (Textures need a little tweaking as I made a huge mess with them which I don't like)
Enclave CA need a little colour tweak. If you look closely shoulderpads and other parts are little different than chest (It's because of red hue I Used for liners)
Makin' "gold" collar on MARK2 armor less gold does looks like shit. This one was the best I could achieve without making it look like cloth or something. It should look great from the distance thou'
I left helmets the way they were, just recolouring them. There are few details like some kind of inscription(Normal & Mk. II) and little brotherhood logo or some other little shit(on BoS one) but texturing helmet UV map is kinda hard. Especially with symbols(Bolts on BoS armor went bad+not visible as well)
I had few major problems with BoS collar, just because of UV Map and lack of "shiny metallic" texture which will fit (so I hand-painted it).
Looks similiar to cloth but on the distance it doesn't really matter. There is always room for improvement.
I tried to mix sprite+Inventory Images(remembering that each armor should differ a little) as much as I could. Still, I hate texturing armors with that texture resolution ;_;