Here's the stichy, dirty, browner version, with less comically sized boots :

I decided the green bit could be a little pocket, not that it'll be larger than 3 greenish pixels anyway.
Combat Leather Jacket (Wings, obj, 3ds, textures) obj and 3ds files are of "all" and of jacket, body and boots individually (I don't know which is easiest to work with).
Let us know if it works okay, or if any further changes are needed.
Very good! Damn, I wanted to make CLJ myself, but didn't have Karpovs model so... yeah, failed.
Sorry, I'd already started on it :-(
Anyway, all the components are in the upload above, if you want to have a look / tinker with it at all. It includes the original body if you want to work on other models too. It doesn't include the photoshop file with all the texture layers on it, but I can upload that separately if you want to mess around with it.