Power Armor...
There's been a lot of talk about this. If you ask me I like them when they look as a person in a suit. I already said this, but the only way I have to make them like in the sprites is changing the bone structure, it would not just need a Power Armor but a "Power Skeleton" too. That would be an extra work.
Well, it's an intricate question. On one hand, we are trying to rebuild sprites in 3D, but on the other hand, sometimes sprites goes too far in their grotesque. If regular fallout character has 3 feet shoulders, PA/APA has all 5 feet. I think, it's really too much. We should feel the edge between following the original and blind copying.
On the left one, the legs look too big compared to the upper body. That's the only thing I can nitpick on it for now. Maybe it's just the perspective, though.
I've changed nothing since that time:

So, most probably it's just the perspective.
Look at this. I think, it's heroic enough. What else do we need?
Put it near the sprite APA to have something to compare after all.