Hello i made a sg burster character and i noticed that it do extremely low damage... for example in hinkley whit the pancor i do 10-30 damage and whit mi main char i have done 90 damage and the build is almost same.... and in centaurs at 1 hex whit p90 ive done 20 damage :S , im leaving the character here if some one have any idea of what is wrong... he is whit a radaway addiction but im not sure thats causing the problem..
ST 5
PE 6
EN 8
CH 1
IN 6
AG 8
LK 6
Traits Finesse , Chemreliant
Perks BRD x2 , BRoF , toughtness x2 , life giver , action boy
195% SG
130% FA
75% Doc
PD : I leveled it up whit assault rifle and whit that weapon i had none problem