If you have some other idea, I'd really like you to write something more about it.
No, no, no. Mindless, numb grinding should not give rewards other then exp. This isn't and it shouldn't be WOF ffs. I would gladly see awards for role-playing, hosting player based events, doing group raids on PvE (as in group quests). But not anything as silly as kill 1000 rats and get a bonus.[if you really must have this then give a award for killing 100 of creature tyoe that will give you some damage bonus towards that one creature (players are not a creature type)]
Hunter who killed 1000 centaurs is a no-life really. Anyway, I can aknowledge he is an expert centaur hunter. But that's the only thing it proves. So he may get a "you have no life part 3" medal and some bonus in figthing centaurs but why the hell he should be more effective in figthing dogs, or any other being apart centaurs?
you lived in America in 2241? How do you know that this is not real?
HAHAHAHA Best argument ever Let's give everybody a plasma gun instead of their left legs. Nobody lived in USA in 2241 yet and maybe that's what it will be like
I would gladly see awards for role-playing, hosting player based events, doing group raids on PvE (as in group quests).
Role-playing should not require a lot of GM assistance. And if so then give a weaker GM status to so called RP moderators who are eliglible to give out rewards for it and take part in them. I'm quite sure that the game community would find such persons quite eager to do so.For the quests. Some could require weeks of work or major resource pull [like gather 2000 minerals on a cow and talk to a npc]. Some could require a lot of free time [visit every swuare of the map], some could be repeatable with a random factor [like kill 10 randomcreaturetype], some could require player interaction [take 5 of item Z to place Y, where item Z is so heavy that only one per person is actually availible, no brahmins or cars allowed of course]. Possibilities in getting the attention of players on top levels are endless. It's the lack of developer power to make them true Quests with random factor and a cooldown of... 24 real hours for example. Like:A hunter's guild opens in Klamath. They give daily hunting quests. They require killing a set amount of specific type of creature. And every player in a group ledeared by quest taker can participate. So they hunt as a team. The balance should be set up so it's basicly impossible for one person, impossible for 2 maybe, very hard for 3 and challanging for 4-6 persons. Strategy [everybody solo - teams of 2 - teams of 3 - whole group hunting together] can be chosen based on the number and type of creture to hunt. You obviously go solo if you got 12 2238's hours to kill 150 rats but go as a group if you need to take out 10 enclave soldiers.
If you kill 1000 centaurs it already gives you levels which increase your skills and give perks. If level 21 dude kills centaurs, then he's doing it at his maximum efficiency.
at the moment when you reach level 21 the game ends