Other > General Game Discussion
GM abuse? NCR bombing by vertibirds and stuff.
I had fun in the earthquake... "THEY WANTED MY WHISKEY BUT THEY COULD NOT HAVE IT!" ::) ;D
Missed the carpet bombing (Luckily...)
Though i wouldn't want these things to be a normal occurrence. ( I can understand the earth quake since it is California...)
Haha yea, the earthquakes where funny as hell :D
--- Quote from: Wipe on January 27, 2010, 11:50:39 pm ---All GMs was on normal chars or offline, so your report of GM ABUSE is a lie.
--- End quote ---
I'm sorry but you're going to have to be just a little more receptive and a lot less defensive. What the hell else explains earthquakes, carpet bombing vertiberds, and floating trees?
Those silly admins! Don't worry, no one's going bomb ncr on regular basis-if ever:)
But at least we see random earthquakes would not be that bad! ;)
Scypior, don't tell them that the earthquakes have been just mass-slaps in real.
Oh, wait...
Hurr hurr.
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