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GM abuse? NCR bombing by vertibirds and stuff.

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Is this lexx's latest patch?  ;D

I think mayb-
* Reconite is knocked down from earthquake.

Earthquakes should occur everytime server is about to crash.


--- Quote from: Archvile on January 28, 2010, 02:13:25 pm ---Earthquakes should occur everytime server is about to crash.

--- End quote ---

...It would be fun to stand up once in a while

(damn cant use hurr hurr, it only looks like im trying to impersonate Lexx then)

Why do the cool stuff only happen when ia m not online?
Enclave atacking NCR makes sense, why whining about it, thats the wasteland for you.BTW, i never figured why do people stand around in NCR doing nothing.


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