TLC - What we do!Hello there fellow wastelanders!

As I am a member of TLC I help new players surviving the wasteland.
I provide them with knowledge, tactics & cover. And sometimes if they
are able to handle it, guns, ammo, caps and other items.
This is my first player escort from NCR to the HUB.

I was helping Sepu, a new player survive the trip to the HUB where
his friends were waiting.
Some pictures
Haha, Sepu wasen't afraid at all even if there was 2 raiders with SMG
on the right side... (out side of the picture) I hope he learned something
from that situation

This was a funny situation...
Another player entered the place, I told him "This is the TLC"
And he said "okay, combat then". And this time it was an honest guy
because he dident kill us... but my number 1 rules is:
Run if you can, don't trust strangers. Sepu just ran up to the guy
like it was me and took some guns from the raiders. He sure is a brave guy.
But it could be one of the PK's and that would not be fun for sepu.
You can see on the picture that I am telling sepu to come closer to me so I can protect him.

Out on the world map...

Killing some pigrats, piece of cake.

Finally there.
so what do we do?Protect and serve thats what we do.
We also provide knowledge, guns, ammo and other items to
use in self defense.Until next time - Cola.