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Author Topic: Scavenging instead of crafting.  (Read 8255 times)


  • Beyond repair.
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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2011, 06:17:50 pm »

Low tier will be free, the higher tiers will be limited by having to earn access to facilities and by getting blueprints via quests (Inside and outside of NPC factions - crafting won't be tied so closely to specific factions again)

I don't see why our factions shouldn't act as NPC satellite factions in order to craft the best gear. Right now is just "I join you, learn profession 3 something, and goodbye".

I think it would be more interesting if each NPC faction was able to give you blueprints for a specific kind of item. So joining each NPC faction would have it's pros and cons. And a tough reputation system related to trading with characters from other factions could be added, it might act against alting at least a bit.

Trading will become a lot more controlled. You won't be able to trade crap directly for great items and low tech traders will have less access to caps, so its harder to sell crap for caps and then use those to buy great items.

Rep will also play more of a role in determining price - so if you want decent deals you will have to build relations with them
On the traders willing to buy useless stuff, sure. Farming knives off farmers in encounters, turning them into loads of caps and then buying Plasma Rifles shouldn't be a reliable means of getting high end gear.

For the guys who deal in good stuff already - so harder encounters, crafting, etc - the amount of caps can be relatively similar to now.

Really awesome.


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2011, 06:21:10 pm »

The NPC factions will have other, more interesting, uses. Noone will be joining them for a profession.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
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  • Killian
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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2011, 06:25:49 pm »

-1 for this one. Crafting is the one of main features of FO:2238. Without it... it would be a prem Counterstrikish "Fallout 2 looking" game without any chances for change...


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #33 on: February 10, 2011, 08:28:37 am »

Actually, so long as its infrequent enough, there should be no problem allowing more scavenging of the basic parts to craft.

More scavenging sounds perfect. Having a third way besides mining and trading to obtain materials sounds good.

Farming needs to be harder and less profitable. Limiting the flow of crap -> good items is a start...

As I mentioned above, why not make use of similar guns to fix other guns to a better state? For example a mauser at 80% det can be fixed to 40% det by using 2 other mausers as spareparts? That would greatly limit the amount of useable loot from farming.

...but expect it to be harder to singlehandedly slaughter entire small countries worth of population :P

A challenge? There will always be people who can singlehandedly take out any kind of patrols/caravans. im sure plenty will rise to the occasion.
"Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil."
- Niccolo Machiavelli -


  • Beyond repair.
    • Crazy 88 Official Forum
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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #34 on: February 10, 2011, 08:52:25 am »

As I mentioned above, why not make use of similar guns to fix other guns to a better state? For example a mauser at 80% det can be fixed to 40% det by using 2 other mausers as spareparts? That would greatly limit the amount of useable loot from farming.

And also limit the amount of shitty weapons spamming the merchant's inventory!


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Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2011, 11:02:02 am »

God forbid the next installment of County Steak have you grind for your sauce and cooking equipment. I mean just look at all the kil-- wait what a counter strike reference HERE?

Re: Scavenging instead of crafting.
« Reply #36 on: April 26, 2011, 08:30:41 pm »

I search for any similar topic to what I was on my mind, this look about right to give my humble suggestion. If not pardon me.

Finding junk on street is ok. but not enough

I was thinking about using this:


Super Tool Kit

on a car/truck and gather some metal parts maybe alloys(?)
And it should not be fast. I mean there should be long animation of man/woman working on vehicle to just get this piece of metal.

but if u want get the good stuf u need to use:

Plasma Torch

U will get random low metals parts (more than by using tools/supertools it) or few good metal parts, HQ alloys (?)

+ u have to have science and repair high, like some mechanic to use it successfully and don't cut ur fingers

Animation should be about the same time like above (just animation of sparks and working hard man/woman)

Why long animation? - not so carefree in city full of dangerous critters & more dangerous people when u have to do ur work and watch ur back.
and it wont be so easy to just go take what u want and w8 until gathering time is gone.
(but short enough to actually take the parts and have time to do something else not 24/7 standing next to car/truck)

The idea is raw at edge but I hope not impossible to imply.

Thank u for spending time reading this pleas give some opinion.

PS: Sorry for my bad English.
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