proper sniper build gots 12 PE so u can see ur enemy a lot earlier than he would enter to ur range - therefore u can easilly prepare to shoot him just right in the moment he reachs it.
Even this out by allowing everyone to see more in the front and less to the sides and back? Pe would then affect more long range shooting. This way everyone could try to spot snipers from afar and avoid them, but suffer from not looking around enough. It would make flanking enemies more easier.
Rocket Launhcer gots 40 range - 10 less than sniper rifle (no whining about that but u have to understand its fucking a lot!) and u can see ur enemy just right he enters ur range. With autoaim snipers are killing machines (almost every shoot is critical, dmg highly over 100hp + cripple/KO/KD).
Problem? Instant shot release, too build-dependent accuracies and too random cripple effects. I'd gladly trade random and powerful crits to more reliable crits with less power. Shoot in the arm: get expected result, not either 1,5x damage, weapon drop, cripple&bypass or no crit.
Avenger is ok, could use some more damage though (just little more) or/and maybe more special attack of it, which is damage to multiply enemies in line of fire, maybe give the bullets a chance to by pass enemy and hit the ones behind aswell, the point would be to decrease the damage reduction when spreading it across multiply targets.
Excuse me sir. Avenger instarapes everything that doesn't have BA or MAmkII with toughness and psycho. If someone wears BA or has invested in defensive perks and drugs he deserves at least some benefits out of them. Besides, pvp shouldn't be balanced around 3rd tier weapons.
RL builds are no great match for Snipers. Acually, snipers are good against everything exept storming buildings (they can still snipe em from outside so they dont really need to storm them).
Problem: buildings don't offer real defensive bonuses. If you think about it, a guy standing behind a window that covers 60% of his body should have more chances to not to get hit than the guy standing in open ground outside the building.
Decrease line damage of avenger penalty, and maybe boost damage a little (just little) bit overally.
What's avenger supposed to do anyway? If avenger is going to be the gun for rushing and basically everything that rocket doesn't do, what's the purpose of shotguns and smgs? Guns need roles, not all round versatility.
Make stonewall perk block half or 2/3 of knockdowns (really block them, not just give higher chance to block them). And either reduce the time beign knockdown when having a stonewall perk, or improve the Quick Recover perk a lot (maybe all knockouts turn into knockdowns OR lasts only 1-2 seconds).
I agree, the higher chance is just more randomity. Stonewall could actually work like this: immune to knockouts from the front. It would be sprearhead man's perk. Then again knockouts are pretty awful feature in first place. -20 aps is equal to instakill in most cases.
Make the sniper injuries have diffrent levels (like suggested before).
Yes, more predictability is a good idea.