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Author Topic: accounts  (Read 2519 times)

« on: January 28, 2011, 04:59:56 pm »

i think there should be accounts to play
1. register forums for posting/playing(?)
2. you CAN'T(?) log into another account, you make one, create characters in that account, thats all, you cant log into another account, because your first one is bounded (can be deleted by GM by request if any glitch occur to make another account(?))
3. character limit for one account should be 4 chars, and to log into another you need to log off first char and wait 20 seconds (prevents dual logging, and doesnt slow game)
4. heres the anti-dual log idea, im not any kind of coder, i just believe i got basic knowledge... so there should be a very little size cache file registering your account/chars. it is saved in server with account's name, there should be no password stored, only data telling is someone online and in what char, if both chars are on, ban, if two accounts (though not possible if bounded?) are used by same ip, ban. (unless theres seriously good exceptional reason).
4.1. optional, but i think itll be more useful to have that cache file stored in private computer too, so it has to be identical as in server's. dunno why, but i feel that making it more secure.
5. i know i didnt make much sense because im a noob.


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Re: accounts
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 05:09:00 pm »

Account system is planned since long time, but so far it couldn't get done yet.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 06:31:56 pm by Lexx »
Re: accounts
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2011, 05:49:24 pm »

oh great  ;D


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Re: accounts
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2011, 10:46:57 pm »

kill them all once for all

you can only make 2 accounts with same IP
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: accounts
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2011, 11:24:20 pm »

Customised client file, with sewn-in client account password/server password reply and IP, given out via request, client cookie.
One request, one client, one IP, one character. Matching IP autoban both profiles.

Sounds good?


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Re: accounts
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2011, 07:07:16 pm »

Customised client file, with sewn-in client account password/server password reply and IP, given out via request, client cookie.
One request, one client, one IP, one character. Matching IP autoban both profiles.

Sounds good?
That would make problems with people playing with the same IP. This thing applies to me and my brother, as we both have the same IP.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: accounts
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 07:23:42 pm »

Just not possible. Currently every alt is specialized. If you make general char he totally sucks in everything. It would bring just more boredom. With 2 or 4 alts you would be hardly limmited to duing few things. We have not enough content to make this posssible. I see no value added to game in this suggestion.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
Re: accounts
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2011, 07:46:28 pm »

Just not possible. Currently every alt is specialized. If you make general char he totally sucks in everything. It would bring just more boredom. With 2 or 4 alts you would be hardly limmited to duing few things. We have not enough content to make this posssible. I see no value added to game in this suggestion.
Depends on what they are going to do with crafting, alts you need mostly for this. Of couse it's also different builds, different combat skills, and taxi, leaders, etc. in other words: builds that normal human won't play as a main character. If all these functions can be achieved in-game for some deeds you won't need any alts, the only problem is this is "faction mod" and they want players to play thier roles in thier faction, of couse these players aren't idiots and they're making special characters for this, because obviously combat character > hybrid/crafter, it's like if you will tag speech and gambling and raise them to ~100-150% for you main character, because it'll have the same effect in combat like repair, science and outdoorsman. May be later, when NPC factions will be more implemented, we can hope to see crafting ability of your character trainable for "faction points" or something by completing quests/capturing/gaining reputation for your faction. And if skills like science, repair, outdoorsman and unused skills like speech/barter/gambling, etc. will affect your coolness in faction somehow, then you won't see so much alts, oh and of couse slowed down XP rate or some kind of achievements, like get max lvl, unlock some perk, reset your character, get +1 SP per level and ability to get unlocked perk (most used perks like better crit, lifegiver, brof, etc.) which can be locked for begin, so it'll force you to focus on your character to make him not "god", but simply "normal" not overpowered character. This way playing one character won't make you overpowered imba kill machine that will alone clean whole gang, but simply a bit more... stronger and focused on other skills. Of couse that just dreams, but it's reasonable way to play one character and be happy. Faction still will own, because they are many, while loner is ...alone, but it shouldn't force every player in that faction and that loner to make alts to supply thier and his main character in everything to get fun in this game.


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Re: accounts
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2011, 08:38:18 pm »

I was merely stating a most harsh solution for alts, there's a russian RP server that only gives out accounts, if the player wrote a background story and get approved by mods.
(However, they don't have lvlcap, most hightech stuff is get with scavenging and you're actually forced to roleplay or you get banned.
If you just want to KILL EAT KILL, you can roleplay a critter.)

John Ryder

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Re: accounts
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2011, 02:22:57 am »

The game isn't suitable to force players to have just one character. Few alts is a must. The point is to encourage people to don't use alts.
 - It's intended!
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Re: accounts
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2011, 07:23:23 am »

The game isn't suitable to force players to have just one character. Few alts is a must. The point is to encourage people to don't use alts.
I can understand 1-3 characters max with one player, but someone not me anymore please player got about 10 to 20 characters for every use.
There should be even some limits.
Re: accounts
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2011, 08:14:50 am »

many alts spamming is today added by nescessity of parking tents and crafters.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: accounts
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2011, 08:22:38 am »

... and heeeeere's Johnny!

If nothing change with level cap or profession requirements, I will need at least three chars at the beginning of new Era. This makes me sad.
Nie biegaj za stadem.


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Re: accounts
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2011, 12:20:30 pm »

There is this player Alice, and she can make guns, and there's Bob who makes armors. Then if only Bob would want to trade his armor for a gun that Alice made, then they would need one alt less each.
Is it so hard to play a multiplayer game with other players?
Give an idiot a carrot and he'll cut himself.
Re: accounts
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2011, 12:30:04 pm »

There is this player Alice, and she can make guns, and there's Bob who makes armors. Then if only Bob would want to trade his armor for a gun that Alice made, then they would need one alt less each.
Is it so hard to play a multiplayer game with other players?
1) It's easier for Bob to make his own Alice so he don't need to find that person who will give him BAs for his sniper rifles.
2) It's easier for Bob to stop crafting guns, because it's waste of skill points, while better spend all these points on useful in combat skills, and make Alices who will craft for him everything he want.
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