Other > Suggestions

Knockdown and knockback for Melee and Unarmed

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--- Quote from: NDH1187 on January 26, 2010, 05:54:20 pm ---Oh, you dont understand what I meant : they just keep their Light Support Weapon on the other hand, or if we search for the other hand also, they can keep it in inventory, most Biggun have at least 9AP, mean they can take the LSW out and burst in no second, and the Sniper cant count on the second aimed shot as before.    So Biggun have more advatange, as they do not aim. And you know that Big gunners have enough power now, do you? If this perk come true, no melee will be create, just more bigguners, they have Rocket, they have awsome burst LSW, now the Sniper cant aim when they get close, Perfect !

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"Take the LSW out and burst in no second"? You're forgetting the time it takes to open your inventory, drag the weapon across, the equipping animation to play, then to select their target. If the other guy has just been standing there the whole time and let them do all that, they deserve to die.

Bluesuits have nothing to lose? It's a 6 minute wait until you can play again and your chances of surviving a pvp encounter with hth are pretty slim.

here are couple screens showing the effect of supersledge. I stayed in same spot


--- Quote ---"Take the LSW out and burst in no second"? You're forgetting the time it takes to open your inventory, drag the weapon across, the equipping animation to play, then to select their target. If the other guy has just been standing there the whole time and let them do all that, they deserve to die.
--- End quote ---
Pretty easy with pratice, just order to run, press I, pick up LSW, when the character in place, wait for the Sniper shoot first, just 1x-2x damage, then drop LSW to hand, now, he dont run he die. I dont say that it's a surely victory for biggun, I just say that it'll be more power for them, before that perk, Sniper can have rely on their 1st and 2nd aim shot before begin to run, but now just the 1st.

To Thebob : ok, looks fine, but the different is you aimed, aimed means you have more criticals which leads to knockdown and knockback, but look at the damage you made : they're nude, you crit, and just 19-20 HP !
1 Hit of aimed Super Sledge is 6 AP, with just lower than 1 Sniper hit 2AP (which is 8AP) and as same as a LSW burst or Rocket, you have range 1, they have range 50-40, even if you stand just in front of a Sniper, his damage always better than you, with Armor piercing 223 ammo and better crit chance.

What I mention is this knockdown and knock back chance will be there even if you dont aim (something like chance = 3*Strength, which mean your basic knockdown chance will be 30% with ST10), with EN + Stonwall roll to decide if it's a fall or not.

If you aim, it will even more chance to knockdown. Dont say this is to much, their damage just too low ! A LSW burst at range 1 6AP will pop up with 1xx HP (MA2), with high EN + Stonwall + Quick Recovery, they still can handle these melee chars, which even rise their distribution in gang wars more !

So, more knockback knockdown chance and running attack when it's within 3 hexes is good enough.

now u going off on some tangent.
man, i dont even know.. That character has 31% crits, still does the knockbacks without being aimed shot


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