Other > Suggestions
Knockdown and knockback for Melee and Unarmed
Hmmm, but the knockback and knockdown is rare if not aimed, isnt it?
May I ask why would anyone want knockback? Knockdown is alright but knockback? Melee chars want to be next to their enemies.
You shouldn't forget about one major adventage of melee chars. They don't use or need ammo. Sledge is really easy to make in 3 minutes or so. When you are unarmed you are at half combat ability just after respawn. Ammo production is shitty and takes so much time. If HtH combat was fixed [it's broken, not underwhelmed, broken] and bonus move would be made better (+3 ap's to move) I would probably never play range combat guy because I just hate the waiting game.
Knockback is soo fun if you have imagination :)
--- Quote ---You shouldn't forget about one major adventage of melee chars. They don't use or need ammo. Sledge is really easy to make in 3 minutes or so. When you are unarmed you are at half combat ability just after respawn. Ammo production is shitty and takes so much time. If HtH combat was fixed [it's broken, not underwhelmed, broken] and bonus move would be made better (+3 ap's to move) I would probably never play range combat guy because I just hate the waiting game
--- End quote ---
It's not much about equipment, with gang's help, equipment is not a problem.
Super Sledge not that easy, 5 alloys, 5 Metal parts, 5 Electronic Parts, which means soloer cannot craft it easily.
Bonus move have no use in real time combat.
When Bonus HTH attack perk is fixed, it also the time for Bonus rate of Fire fixed, so no change much.
Range fighter have their advantage, long range, far scout, you can fire someone when he even doesnt know about your presence. You can just snipe and run, but melee cant, you can fire 2-3 shot before someone get close, which melee cant.
Yeah, knockback is very good, especially for fun ::).
Beside, when a Bigguner or Thrower or other melee want to get close to your gang's Sniper, knockback is good.
Please make better unarmed/melee characters/perks. They suck so much. :(
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