Other > Suggestions
Knockdown and knockback for Melee and Unarmed
If you want to buff unarmed, make this a level 3 perk for decent unarmed/melee skilled characters.
In Your Face! is a perk from Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 project by Black Isle, and J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game.
Opponents can't make called shots with thrown weapons or firearms when you are within 1 hex and are only holding melee weapons or are unarmed. They also suffer a -10% penalty to hit with those weapons against all targets.
--- Quote ---Opponents can't make called shots with thrown weapons or firearms when you are within 1 hex and are only holding melee weapons or are unarmed. They also suffer a -10% penalty to hit with those weapons against all targets.
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Just not fair, because it only affects Sniper and Long ranger fighter, big gunners wont suffer from it, then Big gunner will have a new advantage, just get close, Sniper cant aim you anymore, and brrrr... reload ...brrrrr.... oh, they're all dead hehe :-X. You hold a minigun in your hand and still can easily rotate it to fire at Jackie Chan who jumping around, locking down your hands and legs ? ;)
--- Quote ---This feature IS in game , and working correctly. With a well made melee character, more than half the attacks with supersledge will send opponent flying, and most times, knocked out of the fight.
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Really? Can you test it again and take a picture to prove it, of course in Fonline not Fallout 2? If you're right, can you tell me which will decides the knockdown chance? Because I tested on a Sniper with 5 ST 4 EN no Stonewall get hit by 2 Melee Merc with Super Sledge, then I test that Sniper with a melee char, 40 hits total, just 2 is knockdown, 1 knockback, and that knockback have no knockout effect as you say. I dont know what was wrong ...
--- Quote ---But before that dying needs to punish players more. Otherwise we got bluesuit meleebuilds running around and nobody can do anything about them because they got nothing to lose.
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You got your gun on your hand, dont be afraid, and if you dont, just run when they still far from you, wasteland is wasteland, you're weaker - you got to run ;). The harassments is base on our bad multi account controlling, not about strong melee or not.
I think enable running attack is just good, or even add some knockdown effect when melee/unarmed hit someone from behind, it's reality, dont you think?
--- Quote ---Just not fair, because it only affects Sniper and Long ranger fighter, big gunners wont suffer from it, then Big gunner will have a new advantage, just get close, Sniper cant aim you anymore, and brrrr... reload ...brrrrr.... oh
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Please read again this part:
--- Quote --- when you are within 1 hex and are only holding melee weapons or are unarmed
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Quentin Lang:
What tha hell...
--- Quote ---But before that dying needs to punish players more. Otherwise we got bluesuit meleebuilds running around and nobody can do anything about them because they got nothing to lose.
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Being able to fight only in melee range is already big enough ''punishment''. What they should implement is that if you press attack on a target while having fists/weapon that's range is less than 3 (sledge, ripper, knife, cattle prod) you start to run at them, not crawl.
--- Quote ---Please read again this part:
when you are within 1 hex and are only holding melee weapons or are unarmed
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Oh, you dont understand what I meant : they just keep their Light Support Weapon on the other hand, or if we search for the other hand also, they can keep it in inventory, most Biggun have at least 9AP, mean they can take the LSW out and burst in no second, and the Sniper cant count on the second aimed shot as before. So Biggun have more advatange, as they do not aim. And you know that Big gunners have enough power now, do you? If this perk come true, no melee will be create, just more bigguners, they have Rocket, they have awsome burst LSW, now the Sniper cant aim when they get close, Perfect !
--- Quote ---Being able to fight only in melee range is already big enough ''punishment''. What they should implement is that if you press attack on a target while having fists/weapon that's range is less than 3 (sledge, ripper, knife, cattle prod) you start to run at them, not crawl.
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I totally agree, melee range is a big disadvantage, very very big.
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