My point is to stop the using of lvl1 alt characters created only by proxy players, to put an abusive number of super mutants in TC.
If you want to use a leader on TC, play it before, by leveling the char and levelling the follower. So, it won't just be a dual screen and a few millions caps, but a real leader player, who worked enough to make his artillery strike possible. So, he would have used as much ressources, as the PVP big gun, got skilled, in order to level up himself, and his followers, and play only his leader the during the Town Control. Problem solved.
I don't care if there is supermuties spawn. There also could be tank in the battleground, as long as there is a pilot character, and a firer character in it.
What is questionnable is the fact you can use them too much easily if your faction has caps, and dual log proxies.
Building a group of supermuties should be a work on itself, with players dedicated to it. (if you don't like merc leader, don't play them)